The Count - Ah Ah Ah *lightning Stike In Background*


Fish Fanatic
Oct 8, 2005
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Hi guys just thought id see what you guys thought of my shrimp.


This one ain't a pic of mine but he's the same!
I call him "The Count" on account of him bieng a gabonese attya shimp, aka a "VAMPIRE SHRIMP"

More pics to follow when my cam don't take stupidly big pics.

Ne mind, i found a way to do it, but the quality is well naff, i don't have a good cam i'm afraid. what do you guys think? :rolleyes:


These pics really don't do it justice, but i shall stive to get better ones
He's awesome ! :drool: like a truck with wings :lol:
What an awesome little critter!!
I'm glad you all aprove, i saw him and had to have him
Well I saw this thread this morning and thought the shrimp looked cool.

Then I went to my lfs this afternoon and found this fella in a tank of Wood shrimps looking a bit lonely, so I had to buy him. He's about 2" at the moment but they had some bigger ones in another tank that were about 6" long.

I think he is about to shed so was a bit worried about getting him but he seems to have settled in OK.

I love the little fan things those shrimp have. What do they use them for?

Also, I finally got the title of this post. I don't know how many time I looked at it and wondered why the lightning strike... But I just remembered. Good ol' Count Von Count
I love the little fan things those shrimp have. What do they use them for?

Wood shrimps are filter feeders. Those fan things are used to collect suspended organic particles like algae and protozoans. I would love to keep them, but my aquariums are too small; they need larger, mature aquarium to survive. I guess I could hand feed them phytoplanktons, but that's too much work.

Ijust found my new addition dead. Am gutted, thought he would pull through. Am in two minds to take him back although I was warned by the lfs, but then he was going to be pasted if I left him. Also my car is in the garage so I can't take him back, oh well £7 to the shrimp suicide fund, may he rest in peace.

Looks like he had a go at shedding the shell, he just chose a place where my BNs abused the poor blighter.

p.s. Do you think he will be ok with garlic and chilli (joke)
Just seen it move, maybe all is not lost. Fingers crossed. If it survives it will be a true Vampire shrimp, may Nosferatu survive, I seek your prayers.
Well, i love my guy so much that he has a friend ( a much bigger friend)
I was struggling with a name but after the reply "Nosferatu" will do i think. (although if anyone has suggestions i'd be happy to hear them

I find that this makes him happy to roam the tank and my even go for another one but i doubt it.

Only problem is that my tank just got a touch of white spot and i have no clue what this will do to the shrimp. they seem unaffected

ps. hope all your shrimps are fine :thumbs:

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