New Kitten!

Ooohhh, he's just scrumptious! :wub:
He needs a "wild" name, hmmm...Fang, Maneater, Killer, Charles Manson, etc. :lol:
That is a very cute cat. Sometimes you can get a great deal on a purebred. My Turk, Lily was a rescue. The breeder didn't know his/her stuff and rejected all in the litter without blue eyes. Yellow eyes are perfectly acceptable Turk traits. So I now own a purebred Turkish Angora for about $60, plus a gazillion in medical bills because she had nasty kennel cough.

:good: Bengals are cool! They're very popular now, which would make me incline to avoid them, but a great cat nevertheless.

No, you get opposite names, like Fluffy or Fifi. Yep, my votes for Fifi.
Ooohhh, he's just scrumptious! :wub:
He needs a "wild" name, hmmm...Fang, Maneater, Killer, Charles Manson, etc. :lol:

:lol: I like maneater! I'll keep those names in mind ;)

That is a very cute cat. Sometimes you can get a great deal on a purebred. My Turk, Lily was a rescue. The breeder didn't know his/her stuff and rejected all in the litter without blue eyes. Yellow eyes are perfectly acceptable Turk traits. So I now own a purebred Turkish Angora for about $60, plus a gazillion in medical bills because she had nasty kennel cough.

:good: Bengals are cool! They're very popular now, which would make me incline to avoid them, but a great cat nevertheless.

No, you get opposite names, like Fluffy or Fifi. Yep, my votes for Fifi.

Wow, that's a great deal! Well not about the vet bills, but eh if you care enough about your animals vet bills shouldn't be that big of a deal, unless your on a tight budget. Haha Fifi, maybe :hey:
Heh, better than $2000 for a show quality/breeder cat ;)
My friend has one of these cats that she got for $500 because her uncle is the breeder :p
Still $500 even with the family discount... geez!
I can't really think of many names, but he looks like a nice soft little guy, so I thought Mallow! (Marsh Mallow)

Neal :good:

Awww that's actually a really cute name! I'll definitley keep it in mind! :D

Heh, better than $2000 for a show quality/breeder cat ;)
My friend has one of these cats that she got for $500 because her uncle is the breeder :p
Still $500 even with the family discount... geez!

Heh not much of a discount if you ask me.....if they were family I'd demand a cat for free :lol: But each unto his own I guess.
Haha well the reason I went with a purebred cat, is I already have a Siamese cat (named Kit), and he isn't vaccinated for FIV, so I figured I'd get a cat that has a medical history and is checked by a vet and stuff, as opposed to going to a shelter and having to quarantine it. I just think the Bengal breed is beautiful :D. He wasn't THAT expensive $900 or so, and he's from a reputable breeder. Anyway, he's so adorable price doesn't matter :).

Out of interest, why would a rescue cat be more likely to have FIV? Siameses in particular are prone to FeLV (there is no vaccine for FIV here?).

Rescue cats are generally tested for FeLV/FIV and vaccinated if you go to a reputable rescue, much like reputable breeders. I assume both parents of your new kitten were tested for both FeLV and FIV, and the kittens vaccinated before he came to you (which would make him no younger than 12 weeks at adoption)? If not, I'm afraid you've been "had" for that price, and risked your unvaccinated cat.

Very pretty kitten though.... :wub:
man, i'm glad that you don't have him yet, because that is waywayway too small of a kitten to be separated from his litter to go live with a strange male.

Haha well the reason I went with a purebred cat, is I already have a Siamese cat (named Kit), and he isn't vaccinated for FIV, so I figured I'd get a cat that has a medical history and is checked by a vet and stuff, as opposed to going to a shelter and having to quarantine it. I just think the Bengal breed is beautiful :D. He wasn't THAT expensive $900 or so, and he's from a reputable breeder. Anyway, he's so adorable price doesn't matter :).

Out of interest, why would a rescue cat be more likely to have FIV? Siameses in particular are prone to FeLV (there is no vaccine for FIV here?).

Rescue cats are generally tested for FeLV/FIV and vaccinated if you go to a reputable rescue, much like reputable breeders. I assume both parents of your new kitten were tested for both FeLV and FIV, and the kittens vaccinated before he came to you (which would make him no younger than 12 weeks at adoption)? If not, I'm afraid you've been "had" for that price, and risked your unvaccinated cat.

Very pretty kitten though.... :wub:

The vast majority of resuces here in the States are either breed specific or Humane Societies. The breed rescues may or may not behave like those in the UK, with rigorous placement procedures and extensive testing. However, most of them are run by individuals out of their homes and its really catch as catch can. As for the Human Societies, they're generally overrun with more strays and abandoned pets than is reasonable to expect them to handle. While new guys might be tested for FIV, quarantine procedures aren't especially rigourous and I know that I've never heard of the Human Society vaccining animals. If I recall, we just recieved a discount coupon for a spay/neuter and were strongly encouraged to pursue vaccinations in general.

I agree that you don't have to shell out a small fortune on a purebred in order to avoid infectious diseases. I just wanted to point out that there are significant differences between the UK and the US when it comes to rescued animals. Basically, you're in the same boat in either case--test and quarantine all new animals.
Haha well the reason I went with a purebred cat, is I already have a Siamese cat (named Kit), and he isn't vaccinated for FIV, so I figured I'd get a cat that has a medical history and is checked by a vet and stuff, as opposed to going to a shelter and having to quarantine it. I just think the Bengal breed is beautiful :D. He wasn't THAT expensive $900 or so, and he's from a reputable breeder. Anyway, he's so adorable price doesn't matter :).

Out of interest, why would a rescue cat be more likely to have FIV? Siameses in particular are prone to FeLV (there is no vaccine for FIV here?).

Rescue cats are generally tested for FeLV/FIV and vaccinated if you go to a reputable rescue, much like reputable breeders. I assume both parents of your new kitten were tested for both FeLV and FIV, and the kittens vaccinated before he came to you (which would make him no younger than 12 weeks at adoption)? If not, I'm afraid you've been "had" for that price, and risked your unvaccinated cat.

Very pretty kitten though.... :wub:

My Siamese cat has not been vaccinated against FeLV or FIV, as the vet said that Siamese cats generally don't tolerate it well (and he's an indoor cat anyway), but yes, both parents were tested, and the kitten will be vaccinated before I take him home.
You're really going to struggle having your Bengal kitten as a purely indoor cat - be prepared for that :/ and dealing with an extremely frustrated feline who will do anything and everything to get out - leaving a path of destruction behind.....

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