Pale Patches On Catfish


New Member
Nov 17, 2005
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Hi all,

I'm relatively new to aquariums, so excuse my lack of species names, etc.

My tank is currently being treated with whitespot (introduced through a clown loach - has affected most of my other fish). I am using Methylene Blue as the treatment - this has helped but I am continuing treatment every 3 days as some of the tetra's still have a couple of spots on their fins.

I have a spotted catfish (dark with white flecks - flat underneath (lies flat sucking on rocks, etc). It does not appear to have the white spot disease, however over the last few weeks it has developed pale/discolored patches on the top of its body. The patches seem perfectly even on each side (mirror image on each side) so I don't believe it is a fungus - as this would be random. Is this something I should be worried about? Could it be stress from the Methylene Blue?

here is a photo of the pale patch on the top of the catfish...


that fish there, is a bristlenose pleco (as i have purchased 2 of them at my LFS) but then again it can b different breed(some LFS arent too accurate and mistakes happen). plec also suffers that same pale coloration, i too would like to knwo exactly what it is, its causes and if any needed treatment is needed.
I have noticed this on some in my LFS but have no idea what it is! Hopefully someone will come along who can help!

Hi, my Common Pleco has marks like that. It is a kind of camouflage which appears when the fish is stressed. Mine sometimes has it and sometimes it is normal colour. You will probably find it comes and goes. If it was there all the time you would have to keep a watch in case there was something wrong such as whitespot. I don't know if Plecos can get that, my fish have never had whitespot. Hope that helps. I have had my Pleco since May this year. :)
They do change colour.

I find both of mine become very light when they are out over my light coloured sand, but then once back on the bogwood they darken up again. They also appear to go lighter when startled, could be a sign of stress.

If they are light coloured all the time then I would think they probably are stressed.
thanks for the replies. I'll see how the catfish is over the next few weeks - I think I have gotten rid of whitespot in the tank finally, so hopefully now that i can stop using the chemical treatment the catfish will become less stressed...


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