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    Starting A Sw Tank

    I would like to get something around that size to start.... if I had the space. I just can't fit anything larger then a 12g. Where the tank is going to be placed space is limited. But I have found one I am very interested in. It's a Cadlight 12g cube. It will come with 48w of Power compact...
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    Starting A Sw Tank

    I am thinking 1, maybe 2 fish max. Gobies, blenny's and damsels, all are interesting to me. The main part of this aquarium is going to be coral/inverts. Also I found a local SW store that sells pre mixed SW with RO for $1 a gallon and its pretty close to me. So instead of the mixing everything...
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    Starting A Sw Tank

    So I have been looking over nano tanks for a while. It has pulled me in. And I finally have some free money to spend. Not enough to get all the corals I want but I think I will have enough to get some decent equipment. I live in the US, my budget is about $300 for equipment. I need opinions on...
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    How Many Angels And Rams Do You Think I Could Fit?

    RTB's can get pretty big and they get more aggressive as they grow. Both the angels and apisto's are on the more peaceful side of things. In general I would say the RTB would need to be rehomed at some point. Or this. As fluttermoth suggested but be wary of the RTB as he gets bigger.
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    Fish Id?

    Could possibly be a Julidochromis ornatus. They photos when I searched for them over google. Came up very similar. Also depending on tank mates. The golden mbuna will probably kill everything else after a while if its of the Melanochromis species. I think you should rehome it asap if it start...
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    Fish Id?

    It is a cichlid from lake tang. Mbuna are a cichlid from lake malawi. The lake Tang. are more peaceful as rift lake cichlids come. But are still territorial. Its best to keep multiple of one type to keep aggression within themselves.
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    Fish Id?

    Lake tang. Julidochromis species I think.
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    How Many Angels And Rams Do You Think I Could Fit?

    Those would be good to fill the tetra spot. Black phantoms as I recall are decent size and wont fit in the angels mouths.
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    How Many Angels And Rams Do You Think I Could Fit?

    If your water matches suggested parameters, and your into breeding or having a chance. I would start with 4 angels at a quarter size and introduce them all at the same time and let them pair off and rehome the other 2. Also would choose a harem group 1m 3f of apisto's over rams. German...
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    False Egg Spots On Juvies.

    Ya my plan is to wait, and vent at a latter date. Maybe in a few months. Since PS. Saulosi Can be tricky to sex even by color. From what I read and hear on forums. The females and sub dominant males can change color to look similar. More just interested in what female ratio/ how common a female...
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    False Egg Spots On Juvies.

    Well I have just gotten into African cichlids. As I know in general Male Moothbrooders have false egg spots on their anal fin. I do have a question about that. I have heard that you can sex them by this, but I also read its not 100% correct. I just purchased my juvie saulosi group 4 days ago...
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    Revamped 46G Bow Front

    As far as I know. They both don't have much of a common name. The Africans get called Ps. Saulosi for short. And the catfish are S.Petricola. The Petricola's come from Lake Tang. And the Saulosi are from Lake Malawi. I could not get much of a shot of the catfish. My camera is to slow, and they...
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    Revamped 46G Bow Front

    Inhabitants- 12 juvie, Pseudotropheus saulosi 3 synodontis petricola Tell me what you all think of it! My first one for African Cichlids. Made a post in african cichlids as well but thought I would post here to share with all.
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    My 46G Bow Front

    Inhabitants- 12 juvie, Pseudotropheus saulosi 3 synodontis petricola Tell me what you all think of it! My first one for African Cichlids
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    No Eggs - Help!

    The parents could have eaten the eggs. Sometimes it takes a while (a few spawns) for the parents to get things right. Also if there is a pleco in the tank. They like to eat eggs. And often when the parents are in sleep mode with the lights off.
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    Switching From Sa To African

    I'm thinking of doing a single species tank of Pseudotropheus saulosi. As suggested to me on another forum. Pseudotropheus saulosi seems like it would fit nicely with what I'm looking for. Going to try something like 3m 9f. And the LFS has a few different types of sydo cats. So I might get a...
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    Switching From Sa To African

    thanks for the suggestion! I will look to see if I cant find a local breeder of the texilis. Very nice looking fish. I'm not to set on the yellow labs but have heard they are an easy species to inter mix with another mbuna type. I would like a multi color tank though. I am also unsure on the...
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    Switching From Sa To African

    46g bow front. filtration:cascade filter 500 emperor 280 hydro sponge filter 4 powered with a powerhead, marineland 600 penguin I'm looking to redo my tank. Switch up my planted SA to a stonescape with african cichlids. Can anyone recommend a couple groups to put into the...
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    Oh ya I understood. I just meant I wanted to ok my filtration as well as my stocking levels with more experienced fish keepers like yourself wills Actually I kinda like the species I have now. But I never know. I always find something new that catches my eye at the LFS!
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    I could add more cories. I sure dont mind those little guys. And they are very fun to watch in the sand. Thanks for all the help. Just did not want to push my limits of filtration to hard. My tank sits at about 84 all the time. Maybe a little warmer since the room I have my tank in has...
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    thanks for the input guys. My tank currently sits at 84 degrees F. I was thinking of rehoming one of the festivum's already because the 2 really dont get along as is. The angels we have now. We were waiting on a pair to form so those will be at 2 total at somepoint. They are still quite small...
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    So far in my 46g bow front I have: 3x cory cats 5x angles 2x festivum 1x clown pleco 2x german blue ram 5x dwarf neon rainbowfish Its pretty well filtered. I have a hydro sponge 4 powered with a penguin powerhead 156gph. Marineland Emporer 280, and a cascade 500 canister. I do 50% water...
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    Festivum Cichlids Behavior

    If they are the only thing in the tank. Some dither's might help them feel a little safer. I have 2 and they are always out and about. But from the moment I got them, I have had them in with more fish.
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    Possible Internal Parasite Problem

    ok. Thanks for the headsup!
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    Possible Internal Parasite Problem

    Thanks Wilder. I moved her to a 5g hospital tank. Got some parasite med food that I will try. Also going to pick up some bacteria/ parasite liquid med to dose. Will try one at a time until she gets better mixed with the food for a while. On the treatment for the food it says to use for 3 days...
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    Possible Internal Parasite Problem

    Hey wilder thanks for all the input. What med would be best used? I was looking at some put everything for parasite looked like external. I got some anti parasite food to try but im thinking i need to treat the water so she meds no matter what.
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    Possible Internal Parasite Problem

    Using a API master test kit. Not lethargic, and still eats. No odd swimming behaviors as I have observed. No bloating or sunken stomach as of yet either. For feeding the fish like the flake and frozen most. The others I toss in there maybe once a week. And the algae wafer is mainly for the...
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    Possible Internal Parasite Problem

    My water stats are Ammonia- 0 ppm Nitrites- 0 ppm Nitrates- 10 ppm PH- 7.6 I will give pea's a try. I feed them tetra color tropical crisp flake, frozen and freeze dried blood worms, NLS Cichlid pellets, and an algae wafer. Mix it up daily. My ram just has been acting not herself as of...
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    Possible Internal Parasite Problem

    One of my GBR's has had some stringy white poo for a couple days or so. And now has lost most of her color. I'm thinking its internal parasite. What medication should I use? Should I treat the main tank to make sure everyone in the tank gets treated to cure it out of the tank? And I have 3...
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    Photos Of New Tank And It's Inhabitants

    +1 German Blue Rams
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    Good Idea? Bad Idea?

    I think the oscar and severum would be a bad choice. If you put them into a small tank like that even at a small size. They will get stunted for growth and hurt the over all health of the fish. IMO if you want something that might be ok in a 10g for a little while but can use a upgrade in the...
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    Help Diagnose The Spot On My Gbr

    Thanks everyone for all the help. Man he is just sulking it up now in the hospital tank. I feel so bad for the #28###. He and female have been pretty close ever since we added him into the tank a few months ago. He looks and is acting lonely.
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    Help Diagnose The Spot On My Gbr

    Ok, So I got the hospital tank up and running and put him in it. The tank has incandescent lighting. Now the spot looks red. I will try and get a pic up. Does that mean anything different? trying out a different treatment because of the red look?
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    Help Diagnose The Spot On My Gbr

    Sponge is mature. I do have airstone and heater as well.
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    Help Diagnose The Spot On My Gbr

    I do have a 5g tank I could move the sponge filter over and isolate him. to treat with meds or salt and warm water. The lump, doesnt actually look like its on the out side when I moved/added the tanks decor I removed the fish and I looked at it a little closer. I think its white but on the...
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    Help Diagnose The Spot On My Gbr

    Hello. I just recently noticed my male GBR has a whiteish spot on his tail fin. I am unsure of what exactly it is. And do not want to medicate for something wrong. I also just planted up my aquarium. So If I put a treatment in the water will it affect my plants? If I try a more natural way...
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    My 37G Community Tank!

    Thanks! I hope they get to liking their new home. They are still a little shy and showing stress lines. But they ate well yesterday and seem to enjoy munching on my plants.
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    My 37G Community Tank!

    You sure can. Here are the new little festivum's and some of my favorite blue rams.
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    My 37G Community Tank!

    So an update on my tank. I got rid of the molly's and cherry barbs. Tried out something smaller that would shoal at the top of the tank or was hopeful that zebra danios would have fit the bill. Well my tank was full of crazy zebra danios and was not very peaceful anymore. So We traded those out...
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    Going To Make A Switch To Live Plants.

    Awesome, thank you for so much great advice!