Help Diagnose The Spot On My Gbr


New Member
Jul 1, 2010
Reaction score
Mahtomedi, MN
Hello. I just recently noticed my male GBR has a whiteish spot on his tail fin. I am unsure of what exactly it is. And do not want to medicate for something wrong.

I also just planted up my aquarium. So If I put a treatment in the water will it affect my plants?

If I try a more natural way. Will adding salt to the water and raising the temp for a while. Will that affect the plants?

Ammonia 0 ppm
Nitrites 0ppm
Nitrates 10ppm

He is eating fine. Noticed a couple rubs on the driftwood from him. But no one else in the tank is showing any signs of being sick. below are a couple photos.



To be honest, I wouldn't medicate if all the other fish are fine.

That looks more like some sort of cyst, or maybe even a tumour of some kind to me.

I'd just keep a close eye on it for the moment, and keep your water as great as it is now.

By the way, I'm pretty sure that's a female ram.
looks very male to me.... females have pinky purple bellys.

if its rubbing/ flashing then something is irritating him. do you have a spare tank to isolate him?
How many gallons or litres is the tank.
How many fish and which type.
What the make of the test kit you are using?

Does the lump look hard or soft like filled with fluid.
Any redness to the lump.
Has the lump just suddenly appeared.
Any strands coming out of the lump.
Any excess mucas on slime on the fish body or gills.

Lumps on tail can be parasites, bacterial, lymthocycstis.

Is it possible to isolate the sick fish as if lumps burst they can infect the tank.
looks very male to me.... females have pinky purple bellys.

Some females have pinky/purple bellies! I go more on the shape of the anal fin, which in this fish is rounded and doesn't extend past the end of the caudal peduncle; in a male it would have a more pointed shape and would be longer; ie out under the tail fin.

Its dorsal fin extensions don't look long enough for a male either (but I could be wrong; Rams aren't easy to sex at the best of times!)

Anyway, that's enough OT stuff about sexing rams ;)
Let's concentrate on getting it better, whatever sex it is :)
How many gallons or litres is the tank.
How many fish and which type.
What the make of the test kit you are using?

Does the lump look hard or soft like filled with fluid.
Any redness to the lump.
Has the lump just suddenly appeared.
Any strands coming out of the lump.
Any excess mucas on slime on the fish body or gills.

Lumps on tail can be parasites, bacterial, lymthocycstis.

Is it possible to isolate the sick fish as if lumps burst they can infect the tank.

I do have a 5g tank I could move the sponge filter over and isolate him. to treat with meds or salt and warm water. The lump, doesnt actually look like its on the out side when I moved/added the tanks decor I removed the fish and I looked at it a little closer. I think its white but on the inside of the fin. Which gives it a brown tint. The tank and stocking is below. Using a API master test kit. No extra mucas or slime. And it did just appear about 4 days ago.

How many gallons or litres is the tank.
How many fish and which type.
What the make of the test kit you are using?

Does the lump look hard or soft like filled with fluid.
Any redness to the lump.
Has the lump just suddenly appeared.
Any strands coming out of the lump.
Any excess mucas on slime on the fish body or gills.

Lumps on tail can be parasites, bacterial, lymthocycstis.

Is it possible to isolate the sick fish as if lumps burst they can infect the tank.

I do have a 5g tank I could move the sponge filter over and isolate him. to treat with meds or salt and warm water. The lump, doesnt actually look like its on the out side when I moved/added the tanks decor I removed the fish and I looked at it a little closer. I think its white but on the inside of the fin. Which gives it a brown tint. The tank and stocking is below. Using a API master test kit. No extra mucas or slime. And it did just appear about 4 days ago.

oh and here is a pic of the lovely couple.

Sorry I was that busy looking at the pic didn't notice the info I asked for.

I would isolate him and try a bacterial med.
If you don't have a mature filter sponge you will have to preform daily water changes. Than add the correct amount of med back to water removed.
Do you also have a heater and airstone?
Sorry I was that busy looking at the pic didn't notice the info I asked for.

I would isolate him and try a bacterial med.
If you don't have a mature filter sponge you will have to preform daily water changes. Than add the correct amount of med back to water removed.
Do you also have a heater and airstone?

Sponge is mature. I do have airstone and heater as well.
Ok. That's fine.
Add a bacterial med.

Good Luck.
Ok, So I got the hospital tank up and running and put him in it. The tank has incandescent lighting. Now the spot looks red. I will try and get a pic up.

Does that mean anything different? trying out a different treatment because of the red look?
Red spots can be bacterial or parasites.

If the spot starts to change get back to the board.

If know parasite signs I would take the bacterial route.
Thanks everyone for all the help. Man he is just sulking it up now in the hospital tank. I feel so bad for the #28###. He and female have been pretty close ever since we added him into the tank a few months ago. He looks and is acting lonely.
Bless him.
Make sure there something in the tank he can hide in.
Good Luck.

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