How Many Angels And Rams Do You Think I Could Fit?


New Member
Nov 2, 2010
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new york
in 40g tall tank.

i have a few things in there new but i was thinking about trading them off for what i can as far as angels or rams, and also buy some more.

i was thinking maybe 6 angels and 6 rams the filter is great so many more?
what do you think?

also, do angels and discus' get along/share pH and other variables or would that not work at all?
Stocking is not just about water volume; it's also to do with territories.
Can you post the measurements of your tank?
Most people don't recommend angels and discus together; pick one or the other. They'd both be fine with rams.
6 angels in a 40 gal. ????


how big do you think angels grow?? NO WAY
Stocking is not just about water volume; it's also to do with territories.
Can you post the measurements of your tank?
Most people don't recommend angels and discus together; pick one or the other. They'd both be fine with rams.

well i got a ton of rock in there now, more than enough to make 6 good sized caves for them.
i didn't think they would work but it didn't hurt to ask. discus' are pretty but to hard to find near me and way expensive.

30"L x 12.5"W x 24"H
it's tall and long and i think would look amazing with angels

6 angels in a 40 gal. ????


how big do you think angels grow?? NO WAY

well i though maybe in a taller tank it would be okay, but i'm learning. would 4 be better? i've never seen a full grown angel
30" isn't long. A pair of angels would be enough for that tank.

Rams don't use the whole tank, they live near the bottom, so it's floor space that matters; a trio of one male and two females would be about right.
30" isn't long. A pair of angels would be enough for that tank.

Rams don't use the whole tank, they live near the bottom, so it's floor space that matters; a trio of one male and two females would be about right.

how big do rams get fully grown? i didn't think they get that big at all really.
how big do angels get for that matter? i feel like i'm not giving either of these fish enough credit for size
I wouldn't keep a trio of Rams, they do best in pairs. If you want a trio look at apistos.

Male Rams max out at about 3" females a little smaller (same for Apistos if you go that route).

I'd be concerned about putting more than a single pair or a single trio of these species together. When they reach maturity they will become very aggressive towards each other. If you get 2 fish that can't agree on teritory they will kill each other.
how big do rams get fully grown? i didn't think they get that big at all really.
how big do angels get for that matter? i feel like i'm not giving either of these fish enough credit for size

As Katch says, males rams get to about 3", females perhaps a little less. Angels, 6 to 8 inches in length, but 12" in height.

The point is though, is that they're both cichlids; you need to think about more than just the size when it comes to stocking. You need to give the fish enough space to have their own territory or they'll fight and quite possible kill each other. It's totally different to fish like tetras where you can use a 1" of fish per gallon of water rule or something like that.
Hope this makes sense to you :)
If your water matches suggested parameters, and your into breeding or having a chance. I would start with 4 angels at a quarter size and introduce them all at the same time and let them pair off and rehome the other 2. Also would choose a harem group 1m 3f of apisto's over rams. German blues/golds/electric blues are very sensitive fish. Bolivian Rams are more hardy then germans but would suggest a harem of apistogramma's would fit in nicely to the bottom. Then your pretty much stocked up for fish. Maybe adding in a smaller sized tetra for a shoal fish. But skip on the neon's as the angels will hunt them down in time and become an expensive snack.

Something like to start:

4x angels (as juvies)
4x apistogramma
6x preacox rainbow
1x BN pleco

And to finish

2x angels (pair)
4x apisto
6x preacox rainbow
1x BN pleco

But if your looking for more then that. I would suggest a tank upgrade. 55g+ would give them all more room. 48" in length and 18"+ in height.
If your water matches suggested parameters, and your into breeding or having a chance. I would start with 4 angels at a quarter size and introduce them all at the same time and let them pair off and rehome the other 2. Also would choose a harem group 1m 3f of apisto's over rams. German blues/golds/electric blues are very sensitive fish. Bolivian Rams are more hardy then germans but would suggest a harem of apistogramma's would fit in nicely to the bottom. Then your pretty much stocked up for fish. Maybe adding in a smaller sized tetra for a shoal fish. But skip on the neon's as the angels will hunt them down in time and become an expensive snack.

Something like to start:

4x angels (as juvies)
4x apistogramma
6x preacox rainbow
1x BN pleco

And to finish

2x angels (pair)
4x apisto
6x preacox rainbow
1x BN pleco

But if your looking for more then that. I would suggest a tank upgrade. 55g+ would give them all more room. 48" in length and 18"+ in height.

that actually sounds like good numbers. i have some long fin black phantoms in there already but i wanna get more, do you think they would be fine or should i go for something a little less prone to being attacked?

i actually have a 55 sitting under my mom's boy friends house but i need a lid and heater and filter. pain in my #16##### haha.
If your water matches suggested parameters, and your into breeding or having a chance. I would start with 4 angels at a quarter size and introduce them all at the same time and let them pair off and rehome the other 2. Also would choose a harem group 1m 3f of apisto's over rams. German blues/golds/electric blues are very sensitive fish. Bolivian Rams are more hardy then germans but would suggest a harem of apistogramma's would fit in nicely to the bottom. Then your pretty much stocked up for fish. Maybe adding in a smaller sized tetra for a shoal fish. But skip on the neon's as the angels will hunt them down in time and become an expensive snack.

Something like to start:

4x angels (as juvies)
4x apistogramma
6x preacox rainbow
1x BN pleco

And to finish

2x angels (pair)
4x apisto
6x preacox rainbow
1x BN pleco

But if your looking for more then that. I would suggest a tank upgrade. 55g+ would give them all more room. 48" in length and 18"+ in height.

that actually sounds like good numbers. i have some long fin black phantoms in there already but i wanna get more, do you think they would be fine or should i go for something a little less prone to being attacked?

i actually have a 55 sitting under my mom's boy friends house but i need a lid and heater and filter. pain in my #16##### haha.

Those would be good to fill the tetra spot. Black phantoms as I recall are decent size and wont fit in the angels mouths.
If your water matches suggested parameters, and your into breeding or having a chance. I would start with 4 angels at a quarter size and introduce them all at the same time and let them pair off and rehome the other 2. Also would choose a harem group 1m 3f of apisto's over rams. German blues/golds/electric blues are very sensitive fish. Bolivian Rams are more hardy then germans but would suggest a harem of apistogramma's would fit in nicely to the bottom. Then your pretty much stocked up for fish. Maybe adding in a smaller sized tetra for a shoal fish. But skip on the neon's as the angels will hunt them down in time and become an expensive snack.

Something like to start:

4x angels (as juvies)
4x apistogramma
6x preacox rainbow
1x BN pleco

And to finish

2x angels (pair)
4x apisto
6x preacox rainbow
1x BN pleco

But if your looking for more then that. I would suggest a tank upgrade. 55g+ would give them all more room. 48" in length and 18"+ in height.

that actually sounds like good numbers. i have some long fin black phantoms in there already but i wanna get more, do you think they would be fine or should i go for something a little less prone to being attacked?

i actually have a 55 sitting under my mom's boy friends house but i need a lid and heater and filter. pain in my #16##### haha.

Those would be good to fill the tetra spot. Black phantoms as I recall are decent size and wont fit in the angels mouths.

how do you think a red tailed shark would hold in there?
i wanna keep him, he's beautiful and fun to watch. i know he stays at the bottom and chases everything as is so i'm guessing the apistos would either be the victims or kill him.
Keep the Red Tailed Shark instead of having the Apistos then :)
RTB's can get pretty big and they get more aggressive as they grow. Both the angels and apisto's are on the more peaceful side of things. In general I would say the RTB would need to be rehomed at some point.

Keep the Red Tailed Shark instead of having the Apistos then :)

Or this. As fluttermoth suggested but be wary of the RTB as he gets bigger.
I thought RTBs were ok as long as they weren't with any other kind of shark shaped or red fish :crazy:
I'm always happy to be corrected by some one who knows better :)

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