Good Idea? Bad Idea?


Fish Crazy
Jun 13, 2010
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Hello all

I have a 10G tank that has nothing in it at the moment except for 2 mystery snails. I got it for my betta but then he pasted and after waiting for the water params to get where they need to be I'm looking to put something in now. I would really like to get an oscar or a severum at the moment. The problem is I know they can get quite big, but on the other hand they would have the whole tank to themselves. I have also seen some pretty small babies at my stores lately so I'm thinking if I start them small...maybe it would be a good home til I can upgrade in the future. I have a feeling I'm going to get a lot of thoughts on this xD

oh p.s I am open to suggestions if you feel one of these fish won't work in the tank but I definately don't want small ones. So please don't suggest corys or danio or stuff like that

Thanks! =)
Hello all

I have a 10G tank that has nothing in it at the moment except for 2 mystery snails. I got it for my betta but then he pasted and after waiting for the water params to get where they need to be I'm looking to put something in now. I would really like to get an oscar or a severum at the moment. The problem is I know they can get quite big, but on the other hand they would have the whole tank to themselves. I have also seen some pretty small babies at my stores lately so I'm thinking if I start them small...maybe it would be a good home til I can upgrade in the future. I have a feeling I'm going to get a lot of thoughts on this xD

oh p.s I am open to suggestions if you feel one of these fish won't work in the tank but I definately don't want small ones. So please don't suggest corys or danio or stuff like that

Thanks! =)

I think the oscar and severum would be a bad choice. If you put them into a small tank like that even at a small size. They will get stunted for growth and hurt the over all health of the fish. IMO if you want something that might be ok in a 10g for a little while but can use a upgrade in the future start with apistogramma or rams.
Oscars grow at an inch per month sometimes more and severums half an inch a month if you put one in a 10g your going to cause serious harm to that fish and it is just cruel. A 10g is not even a grow out tank for one of these fish.

I mean seriously if you were thinking of using the tank to house a betta just think about the massive difference between an oscar and a betta the only real similarities they have is the fact they are both fish a bit like saying a great dane and a daschund are both dogs.....

If you want big fish get a big tank.

If you want highly interactive fish for that size tank get dwarf puffers or red tail puffers. Or get some dwarf cichlids, laetacara are sometimes quite spunky in their own tank and a pair would work in that size tank. Or a trio of Apistogramma Panduro are always good fun.

You can buy just about any fish small enough, you can get an iridescent shark at less than 2 inches but it does not stop them growing to 5 feet.

Bad Idea. Oscars should reach approx 14", Severums 12" (dependent on species, even the smallest species of severum reaching 6-8") in the right size tank and the right conditions, so obviously a 10g tank is nowhere near the right size, you need a minimum of a 4ft long, 18" wide tank, approx 75g for a single Oscar or Severum, which I think you already know before asking, hence the comment about alot of thoughts on this question :rolleyes:
yea...I was afraid of that. Oh well thats why I asked before I just went and bought a fish ^^';; I did think that the tank was too small at first but started to measure and it didn't seem too thought I'd ask. Haha I did have a feeling that my first instinct was correct. Thank you for the suggestions, I actually really like the rams =)

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