Possible Internal Parasite Problem


New Member
Jul 1, 2010
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Mahtomedi, MN
One of my GBR's has had some stringy white poo for a couple days or so. And now has lost most of her color. I'm thinking its internal parasite.

What medication should I use? Should I treat the main tank to make sure everyone in the tank gets treated to cure it out of the tank? And I have 3 snails in the tank as well. With the treatment on the main tank should I move the snails out before treating?
What are your water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Long stringy white poo can be constipation, bacterial, internal parasites.

What do you feed the fish?
Cook some frozen peas for a few minutes in boiling water, Let cool down and pop out of shell.
Chop into small pieces and add to the tank.

Signs of internal parasites are as follows -
Long stringy white poo, clear mucas poo, red poo.
Worms sticking out of the anus.
Fish will look skinny or bloated.
Sunken in belly sometimes.
Bent spine sometimes.
Fish will sometimes swim on it's side.
Spitting food out and not eating.
Enlarged anus, red inflamed anus.
What are your water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Long stringy white poo can be constipation, bacterial, internal parasites.

What do you feed the fish?
Cook some frozen peas for a few minutes in boiling water, Let cool down and pop out of shell.
Chop into small pieces and add to the tank.

Signs of internal parasites are as follows -
Long stringy white poo, clear mucas poo, red poo.
Worms sticking out of the anus.
Fish will look skinny or bloated.
Sunken in belly sometimes.
Bent spine sometimes.
Fish will sometimes swim on it's side.
Spitting food out and not eating.
Enlarged anus, red inflamed anus.

My water stats are

Ammonia- 0 ppm
Nitrites- 0 ppm
Nitrates- 10 ppm
PH- 7.6

I will give pea's a try. I feed them tetra color tropical crisp flake, frozen and freeze dried blood worms, NLS Cichlid pellets, and an algae wafer. Mix it up daily.

My ram just has been acting not herself as of late. Loss of color and stringy white poo/clear poo. But she used to be the one with the most attitude in the tank. Now she backs away from almost everyone. I noticed that the male GBR and her are not really hanging around each other anymore either. Could it be her just being generally unhappy?
What's the make of the test kit you are using.

Being pale is a worry as it can mean stress to desease.

Is any fish bothering her.
Does she act listless and lethagic.
Does she lean to oneside or tilt.
Can she maintain balance in the water.

Feed more frozen foods like daphnia and brime shrimp.
Don't overfeed freeze dried foods as they can cause constipation and bloating. I would only feed them twice a week.
Introduce some green veg into there diet.
What's the make of the test kit you are using.

Being pale is a worry as it can mean stress to desease.

Is any fish bothering her.
Does she act listless and lethagic.
Does she lean to oneside or tilt.
Can she maintain balance in the water.

Feed more frozen foods like daphnia and brime shrimp.
Don't overfeed freeze dried foods as they can cause constipation and bloating. I would only feed them twice a week.
Introduce some green veg into there diet.

Using a API master test kit.

Not lethargic, and still eats. No odd swimming behaviors as I have observed. No bloating or sunken stomach as of yet either. For feeding the fish like the flake and frozen most. The others I toss in there maybe once a week. And the algae wafer is mainly for the cories and clown pleco.

The loss of color and white/clear poo is the only signs I have really seen.

She also never gets picked on. Most other fish in the tank learned she was queen of the castle as she has been with me the longest 4+ months. She has the tude to go along with it. But as of late if a angel or festivum comes near she pretty much just swims around to a plant for cover. Which never happened till she lost her color.
It's an internal bacteria infection, or internal parasites.

For now I would isolate her and try a bacterial med.
Keep an eye on her for when she goes to the toilet.
Check her anus is not enlarged, or red and inflamed.
It's an internal bacteria infection, or internal parasites.

For now I would isolate her and try a bacterial med.
Keep an eye on her for when she goes to the toilet.
Check her anus is not enlarged, or red and inflamed.

Hey wilder thanks for all the input. What med would be best used? I was looking at some put everything for parasite looked like external. I got some anti parasite food to try but im thinking i need to treat the water so she meds no matter what.
That's the problem I don't know which it is. Internal parasite or internal bacteria infection.I think I would take the bacterial route at the present.

In the states you can buy maracyn one and two, maracyn plus, or medicated food.
Thanks Wilder.

I moved her to a 5g hospital tank. Got some parasite med food that I will try. Also going to pick up some bacteria/ parasite liquid med to dose. Will try one at a time until she gets better mixed with the food for a while. On the treatment for the food it says to use for 3 days straight as much as she can eat so. A couple times a day I will try for. Also on the off days, I'm going to go with pea's to flush her out well.

Hoping for the best! Thanks for the help.
If you are feeding medicated internal parasite food you won't need a liquid form also.
As long as the fish is eating enough of the food it should do the job.

Does the medicated food have a bacterial treatment in it aswell.
If you are feeding medicated internal parasite food you won't need a liquid form also.
As long as the fish is eating enough of the food it should do the job.

Does the medicated food have a bacterial treatment in it aswell.

ok. Thanks for the headsup!

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