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  1. little_mermaid

    I Got My 10-gallon Sorority Tank! Update Page 2

    Dolly's filter media is a little under a month old- I got her around the beginning of the month... And yeah, I'll be doing the 20% changes daily...I understand the cycling to a certain extent- there are so many ways people do it. So far no fins have been bitten off...but I am concerned about...
  2. little_mermaid

    I Got My 10-gallon Sorority Tank! Update Page 2

    I'll take a water sample to the LFS to test the levels and have them show me how to do so, since I am one who learns by watching.
  3. little_mermaid

    I Got My 10-gallon Sorority Tank! Update Page 2

    I put filter media that was in Dolly's tank behind the new filter...and I'll be doing 20% water changes everyday. Isn't that okay? & so far all the gals seem to be getting along A-OKAY :good: but yeah, I will be watching them very closely. Yeah I do plan on getting two more (that way there...
  4. little_mermaid

    I Got My 10-gallon Sorority Tank! Update Page 2

    That's a good idea...I'll definitely do that! Thanks!
  5. little_mermaid

    Meet Scotty!

    oOo very nice! :good:
  6. little_mermaid

    I Got My 10-gallon Sorority Tank! Update Page 2

    So far there has been no nipping and chasing, just flaring...which I can't help but find a little funny. Dolly has just eaten all of their food so I expect a bloated gal do ya'll feed your females? I want to make sure the other gals get to eat too...but they're still pretty tiny...
  7. little_mermaid

    I Got My 10-gallon Sorority Tank! Update Page 2

    So a trip to Wal-Mart to get a fish heater and a small tank for my 2nd Betta gal turned into a big deal 'cause when they didn't have what I wanted at Wal-Mart, I went to PetsMart where I fell in love with my 3rd Betta gal and I couldn't leave her behind...soOo after sitting there in the aisle...
  8. little_mermaid

    New Betta Gal Not Eating

    Yeah I'll take a look...what should it be fixed at? Between 78-82?
  9. little_mermaid

    New Betta Gal Not Eating

    LOL I definitely could with the bowl! Poor little gal! :sad: What are these submersible heaters? Where can I buy one at (locally)? At Wal-Mart I saw that they sold these tiny heaters:
  10. little_mermaid

    Cooking Peas & Giving As Treats/for Digestion

    Okay that sounds good :good: ...and yeah, they definitely have to be cooled! Don't won't to burn their little fishie mouths! :crazy: Thanks again! :)
  11. little_mermaid

    I Couldn't Resist...

    Aww yay I am excited to see pics! Please take pics of both your gals and your set-up! :hyper:
  12. little_mermaid

    Cooking Peas & Giving As Treats/for Digestion

    Thanks so much for responding! I'll give it a second try with the smaller pea bits...that makes more sense *slaps my head* :rolleyes: Do you cook yours on the stove or the microwave? And for how long?
  13. little_mermaid

    New Betta Gal Not Eating

    Yeah it's definitely too's in the low 70s...if my thermometer reads right. Great. Now what do I do?
  14. little_mermaid

    New Betta Gal Not Eating

    LOL that explains all her energy! :lol: She's quite the happy little gal! Now if only I could get Patsy to be that happy!
  15. little_mermaid

    New Betta Gal Not Eating

    Dolly's tank is 82 that too high? Dolly is my other Betta, Patsy is my new one that is in the bowl.
  16. little_mermaid

    Cooking Peas & Giving As Treats/for Digestion

    Tonight I cooked two peas for both my Betta gals. I am not sure if I cooked them right/long enough. When they seemed about right I dropped one into Dolly's tank and one into Patsy's bowl...both peas immediately sank to the bottom. I then went back to Dolly's tank and broke the pea apart and she...
  17. little_mermaid

    New Betta Gal Not Eating

    You mean her water temperature? No I don't know. I'll drop the thermometer in her bowl for about 10 minutes and see. I am not sure how accurate it is though.
  18. little_mermaid

    Gosh Darnit

    Thanks ya'll :good: - I am definitely going to look into those products...but I am not a fan of buying stuff I am going to look around locally first. I'll ask about the names of the products ya'll listed though. Once I get a product and use it, I'll be sure to share if it works or...
  19. little_mermaid

    New Betta Gal Not Eating

    I am thinking about trying flake food, but it just gets the water dirty so fast (she's currently in a bowl). Also, aren't bloodworms supposed to be used only as a treat now and then? & Yeah I am gonna give her a couple more days...I hope she perks up...I don't want to lose her- she's so sweet.
  20. little_mermaid

    New Betta Gal Not Eating

    I got another new Betta gal yesterday and she won't eat. She acts fine...maybe a little listless, but Dolly was shy the first couple of days when I brought her to her new home too. But Dolly did eat. I am concerned...what should I do? She'll go up to a pellet and look at it, but she won't eat...
  21. little_mermaid

    I Fell In Love Today

    How come? The people that run the LFS said they're pretty easy to maintain... your Mandarin is cool too! What other sea creatures/fish can you put with Mandarians? Can you have more than one Mandarian together? Though I think I read today that males can't be together?
  22. little_mermaid

    I Fell In Love Today

    With the Mandarin Gobies :wub: I was at the LFS getting plants for my Betta and I peered into the tank and first a Blood Shrimp caught my eye *super cute* and then I kept looking around and that's when I saw the Mandarin Goby! I've never had a saltwater tank before, but I want to learn all I...
  23. little_mermaid

    Oscar Playing Dead

    LOL well you got me cracking up! How cute and funny! :lol:
  24. little_mermaid

    It Was Like Christmas Morning!

    LOL!! I KNOW the little kids in the fish department came over to watch what I was doing...I was like "you want to look at the Bettas too?" but secretly I was like "watch your back 'cause I GET FIRST DIBS kiddo!" :grr: :lol:
  25. little_mermaid

    It Was Like Christmas Morning!

    After I went to the LFS to get some plants for Dolly, I went over to the LPS to see about their Friday Fish shipments...and sure enough, there on the floor in front of the Bettas were two big crates! I bent down and saw on the labels that it said the magic word BETTA on the side. I then went up...
  26. little_mermaid

    Gosh Darnit

    Really? Geez that would be amazing! Where can you get one of these kits? LOL :lol: the bottom is scratched up enough from the rocks! but you can't see those scratches!
  27. little_mermaid

    Gosh Darnit

    I scratched my tank up :crazy: I guess that's the problem with plastic...but I guess you can scratch up glass too. So now I have two lovely lines across the front of my tank...they aren't very tall, but are still noticeable. I can see them from sitting here on my bed (the tank is on my desk). I...
  28. little_mermaid

    Going Away For A Couple Of Days...

    Emergen-C? I'm not sure if I've heard of that or not. I picked up vitamins the other day...once I get better I am going to start taking them hopefully they will help build my immune system back up. & I know I gotta watch my Betta keeping and spending...but I am seriously thinking...
  29. little_mermaid

    My Aquatic Pear

  30. little_mermaid

    Tanks That Hang

    hey uh Tolak you want me to take a tank or two off your hands? :lol: :D
  31. little_mermaid

    Tanks That Hang

    I think everyone has their own opinions about what size of a tank is suitable for a Betta. I've kept Bettas in bowls my whole life up until recently, and they were happy and healthy. My female Betta is in a 3-gallon tank and she appears to be quite comfy. I don't each their own. But I...
  32. little_mermaid

    Rescued/pick Up A New Addition

    oOo very pretty! :good:
  33. little_mermaid

    Tanks That Hang

    Geez that is small! I can't stand the little cases where you can have like two bettas, and they're like in these little squares!
  34. little_mermaid

    Tanks That Hang

    lol yeah some of them are super small...but then again anything is better than those cups they're kept in! :crazy: Here's the one that I saw today...I am pretty sure this is the same one...but in person it seemed bigger:
  35. little_mermaid

    Tanks That Hang

    Oh my goodness, hearts?! That is TOO cute! How big were they though?
  36. little_mermaid

    These Are My Bettas

    Good lookin' Bettas! Tho I'm really drawn to Indie! Love his tail! & welcome to the forum! :)
  37. little_mermaid

    Tanks That Hang

    I was at two LPS today and both had different little tanks that you could hang on your walls. One was bubble shaped and the other was a square box...only about half a gallon :crazy: I was really drawn to the bubble shaped ones because they were so unique looking (and larger). I don't know if a...
  38. little_mermaid

    Going Away For A Couple Of Days...

    Yeah everyone seems to be getting sick! Ugh! *whips out Zycam nasal swabs* :lol: And there's always that one professor that makes your whole semester miserable! :no: I think I need to go get myself another "pick-me-up" Betta! :nod: & yes, Dolly and I will becomming the best of friends as...
  39. little_mermaid

    I Might Be Getting A 10-gallon!

    Yeah, I just don't know. I am starting to lean more toward the Betta gal sorority... & the turtle was a spur-of-the-moment "rescue" from my little sister's class aquarium...which was a lot bigger, but supposidly had no where for the turtle to rest. Her teacher also needed to get rid of the...