Oscar Playing Dead


Fish Herder
Jan 28, 2008
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Just posted this in the NW cichlid section... but since people love their bettas for having personality, i figured this was a good place to post :p.

My O has recently learned how to play dead when he see's a siphon. He was in this exact position only moving his eyes while I was cleaning tanks in the room for about an hour. Opposite of this, he goes insane when i pick up the red Hikari bag.

Just too funny..... he's such a drama queen. :rolleyes:

You really would think something is wrong by these pictures...


Then you see the cause :lol:. He's given me quite a laugh tonight


My betta tries to swim into this siphon...... It's like having a sissy German Shepard and a bold Chihuahua
Awwww bless him....he doesn't want to get sucked up. He's a gorgeous looking boy though....very handsome even if he's not a hero :lol:
He reminds me of my dog actually. She doesn't like the hoover and hides between the sofa and the chair :lol:
He reminds me of my dog actually. She doesn't like the hoover and hides between the sofa and the chair :lol:
haha. they are sometimes called "water dogs" :lol:

I don't know what inspired him to start doing that.... but I've tested it a few times, and if that siphon is anywhere near his tank, he dives to the nearest corner and goes pale. 1 minute later, he snaps out of it :p

All my bettas have always loved siphons and want to see what it is.

Thx for the compliments... I'm rather fond of him :D
He is gorgeous, and so cute when he's sulking!!!
thx :D

he's not so cute when he sulks at feeding time for whatever reason and i have to cater to his schedule <_<
:rolleyes: What a silly boy! It is so kind of him to let you serve him.
:lol: ROFL

i think he needs to know who is boss now. i will starve him for half a day! that'll show him! :p

*shaking head*...... he even goes mad when my dog sniffs around the tank...... at least i don't pull my dog out of harms way :p
thats a funny fish,, i had rayne do up the sypion one scared the dickens out of me until i relize the hole is to small.
dont know remz, sort of inspiring me to get an oscar. only problem i currently don't have the space for one :p

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