Tanks That Hang


Fish Crazy
Sep 15, 2008
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I was at two LPS today and both had different little tanks that you could hang on your walls. One was bubble shaped and the other was a square box...only about half a gallon :crazy: I was really drawn to the bubble shaped ones because they were so unique looking (and larger). I don't know if a Betta would be happy in one though... but he/she would definitely have a better view!
I've seen similar heart shaped ones, peddled as 'valentines gifts'. They are far too small though.
As cute as they might seem they are totally unsuitable to keep a Betta in. They are far too small and there is not enough surface area for the Betta to get oxygen from. The best thing to keep in them is a plant!!!
As cute as they might seem they are totally unsuitable to keep a Betta in. They are far too small and there is not enough surface area for the Betta to get oxygen from. The best thing to keep in them is a plant!!!

lol yeah some of them are super small...but then again anything is better than those cups they're kept in! :crazy:

Here's the one that I saw today...I am pretty sure this is the same one...but in person it seemed bigger:

I've seen them before. They are about 0.7 of a litre :angry: Utter garbage
I played around with the idea of having a line of these on a wall with a betta in each.
But like everyone has said, they are just too small.
If they were double or triple the size, i would have been all over them, just like you.
We sell these at work, which are a bit better and might just be suitable for a betta as they are filtered and hold about 3G

bubble tank
The biggest problem with any of these HALF bubbles, is just that! They are half a bubble which means the surface are is tiny. There isn't a lot of swimming space either, once you put in substrate, plants etc. The other problem, particularly in the UK's climate, is heating. If you can find a heater small enough, that means even less space for the betta. Filteration is another issue and carries pretty much the same problem as the heating.

I'll be happy when every shop that sells aquatic stuff bans the sale of bowls & vases like my LFS. The smallest they sell is approx 4 gallons, and thats a regular rectangle shape.
The biggest problem with any of these HALF bubbles, is just that! They are half a bubble which means the surface are is tiny. There isn't a lot of swimming space either, once you put in substrate, plants etc. The other problem, particularly in the UK's climate, is heating. If you can find a heater small enough, that means even less space for the betta. Filteration is another issue and carries pretty much the same problem as the heating.

I'll be happy when every shop that sells aquatic stuff bans the sale of bowls & vases like my LFS. The smallest they sell is approx 4 gallons, and thats a regular rectangle shape.

I think everyone has their own opinions about what size of a tank is suitable for a Betta. I've kept Bettas in bowls my whole life up until recently, and they were happy and healthy. My female Betta is in a 3-gallon tank and she appears to be quite comfy. I don't know...to each their own. But I do agree that there are some containers on the market that should not be allowed.
Those crummy things, I thought this was going to be a topic for tanks that are too big for their stand.
I really liked the idea of a large bubble tank on my wall, but It's just not practical when you have papier mache walls.

No seriously.
Those crummy things, I thought this was going to be a topic for tanks that are too big for their stand.


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