New Betta Gal Not Eating


Fish Crazy
Sep 15, 2008
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I got another new Betta gal yesterday and she won't eat. She acts fine...maybe a little listless, but Dolly was shy the first couple of days when I brought her to her new home too. But Dolly did eat. I am concerned...what should I do? She'll go up to a pellet and look at it, but she won't eat I guess she wants to eat, but she's not sure about the food?
It may just take her a little while to settle in properly. You could crush the pellet up for her and see if she takes it that way. We have a couple that will only take them that way and completely ignore whole pellets.
One of my betta males wont eat anything other than freeze dried blood worms.
That's normal; at first all 4 of mine wouldn't eat when I first got them. Now they love the pellets! :D I'd give her time to adjust.
I am thinking about trying flake food, but it just gets the water dirty so fast (she's currently in a bowl).

Also, aren't bloodworms supposed to be used only as a treat now and then?

& Yeah I am gonna give her a couple more days...I hope she perks up...I don't want to lose her- she's so sweet.
Do you know what her temp is? And, yes, bloodworms are supposed to be a once-a-week treat. One of my bettas also will only tank pellets if they are crushed up. You could try soaking a pellet in garlic juice to see if it stimulates her appetite.
Do you know what her temp is? And, yes, bloodworms are supposed to be a once-a-week treat. One of my bettas also will only tank pellets if they are crushed up. You could try soaking a pellet in garlic juice to see if it stimulates her appetite.

You mean her water temperature? No I don't know. I'll drop the thermometer in her bowl for about 10 minutes and see. I am not sure how accurate it is though.
If she is too chilly, she could not be feeling well and not have an appetite. A good water temp is 78-80F (26-27C)
If she is too chilly, she could not be feeling well and not have an appetite. A good water temp is 78-80F (26-27C)

Dolly's tank is 82 that too high? Dolly is my other Betta, Patsy is my new one that is in the bowl.
I'm not absolutely positive about this, but I believe that having that temp will just give her lots of energy. I don't think that it's too warm.
I'm not absolutely positive about this, but I believe that having that temp will just give her lots of energy. I don't think that it's too warm.

LOL that explains all her energy! :lol: She's quite the happy little gal! Now if only I could get Patsy to be that happy!
Just make sure you're giving her enough food so she is not wearing herself out. :p Have you gotten a temp on the other tank yet?
Just make sure you're giving her enough food so she is not wearing herself out. :p Have you gotten a temp on the other tank yet?

Yeah it's definitely too's in the low 70s...if my thermometer reads right. Great. Now what do I do?

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