Going Away For A Couple Of Days...


Fish Crazy
Sep 15, 2008
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I am leaving Thursday to go out of town and won't be back till Sunday night. I figured I would feed Dolly Thursday morning like normal. Maybe I could even feed her Sunday night when I get back. But what do ya'll recommend to feed her for Friday and Saturday? I know they have those dissolve tablets or something, but it one time killed my little sister's Betta (because my Dad gave him enough for a 10 gallon tank)! Poor guy...anyways, what do ya'll think? What's safe and would do the job? If worse comes to worse, I'll just have my roomie feed Dolly...but if she doesn't have to that would be just dandy, 'cause she isn't a fish-lovin' kinda gal like me!
I just wouldn't feed her while your gone...fish can go for a week or more without food. Give her some food before you leave and again when you get back. The weekend feeders are crappy IMO, they always feed too much and muck up your water.
I just wouldn't feed her while your gone...fish can go for a week or more without food. Give her some food before you leave and again when you get back. The weekend feeders are crappy IMO, they always feed too much and muck up your water.

Yeah that's what I was worried about...thanks!
Your fish will be fine without being fed. Larger fish are commonly fasted for 48 hours before shipping, add another day shipping time & you have a 3 day fast. Many aquarists will skip one day weekly, this helps to clear out the digestive tract.

A more extended fast is used to duplicate natural environmental factors when inducing hard to breed fish to spawn. Two week fasts are not uncommon.
i would just leave it be and not feed it

, the only other safe option would be to pre-measure the food into seperate paper envelops, seel them and write the date they are to be feed to the fish,, that way a non-fishy person wouldnt have a hard time with the right amt of food.
i would just leave it be and not feed it

, the only other safe option would be to pre-measure the food into seperate paper envelops, seel them and write the date they are to be feed to the fish,, that way a non-fishy person wouldnt have a hard time with the right amt of food.
thats what i was going to recommend. it is soooo easy to feed a betta.... but some people can't follow the simplest of instructions.

I leave all my fish for 3-4 days quite often when I need to travel a lot. Bettas are especially hardy when it comes to lack of food.

I feed just a little extra right before I leave. For example, I'll feed 3 times instead of 2 times a day the day before. Then I give a generous helping of food right before I walk out the door. When I come back, they are all happy and healthy.... and begging like usual. :good:
I'll feed 3 times instead of 2 times a day the day before.

Whoops I've been feeding Dolly only once a day...3 pellets. I am guessing it should be 3 pellets 2x daily?
yup. 3 pellets a day is not enough. certainly on the lean side of things.

it depends on the size, but i even feed my larger bettas 4 pellets twice a day.

edit: how warm you keep your tank also plays into this. If you keep your tank around 80 degrees, their motabolism speed up and they generally need more food. ;)
I'll feed 3 times instead of 2 times a day the day before.

Whoops I've been feeding Dolly only once a day...3 pellets. I am guessing it should be 3 pellets 2x daily?
yup. 3 pellets a day is not enough. certainly on the lean side of things.

it depends on the size, but i even feed my larger bettas 4 pellets twice a day.

edit: how warm you keep your tank also plays into this. If you keep your tank around 80 degrees, their motabolism speed up and they generally need more food. ;)

Oh great I've been starving my Betta! :crazy: No wonder she acts like she's gonna blast thru the glass when I feed her! But do you feed female less pellets than the males?
3 twice a day would be a perfect amount ;)
3 twice a day would be a perfect amount ;)

Good deal! Thanks so much! Usually back home I help care for my little sister's male Betta, but I couldn't remember how many times I fed him each day...lol...but now that I think of it, I am pretty sure we fed him twice a day too! :blush:

BTW I am not going away now 'cause I am sick and I've got way too much stuff to do for school! :shout:
3 twice a day would be a perfect amount ;)

Good deal! Thanks so much! Usually back home I help care for my little sister's male Betta, but I couldn't remember how many times I fed him each day...lol...but now that I think of it, I am pretty sure we fed him twice a day too! :blush:

BTW I am not going away now 'cause I am sick and I've got way too much stuff to do for school! :shout:
I feel you on that. .... I've been going from exam to exam and project to project. And EVERYONE i know is sick right now. must be a college thing....

I'm sure Dolly will be a lot happier now that you're staying. :p
3 twice a day would be a perfect amount ;)

Good deal! Thanks so much! Usually back home I help care for my little sister's male Betta, but I couldn't remember how many times I fed him each day...lol...but now that I think of it, I am pretty sure we fed him twice a day too! :blush:

BTW I am not going away now 'cause I am sick and I've got way too much stuff to do for school! :shout:
I feel you on that. .... I've been going from exam to exam and project to project. And EVERYONE i know is sick right now. must be a college thing....

I'm sure Dolly will be a lot happier now that you're staying. :p

Yeah everyone seems to be getting sick! Ugh! *whips out Zycam nasal swabs* :lol:

And there's always that one professor that makes your whole semester miserable! :no:

I think I need to go get myself another "pick-me-up" Betta! :nod:

& yes, Dolly and I will becomming the best of friends as of this weekend 'cause I will be forcing myself to sit in my room and study! :p :D
Haha Zycam is where it's at. That stuff rocks. I'm living on Emergen-C right now trying to stay healthy.

I've got a professor making my life a living hell too. Gotta love first year biz professors that have something to prove :rolleyes:.

The more bettas the better :lol:.... but careful... in my case it evolved to spending entirely too much money on larger fish tanks :lol:

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