Gosh Darnit


Fish Crazy
Sep 15, 2008
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I scratched my tank up :crazy: I guess that's the problem with plastic...but I guess you can scratch up glass too. So now I have two lovely lines across the front of my tank...they aren't very tall, but are still noticeable. I can see them from sitting here on my bed (the tank is on my desk). I am so anal about my tank and this happens! :no: Is there any way to magically fix scatches?!
They make a scratch remover kit for acrylic tanks...might work.
add 2 more scratches and some noughts and crosses and pretend its a sticker :hyper:
Thanks ya'll :good: - I am definitely going to look into those products...but I am not a fan of buying stuff online...so I am going to look around locally first. I'll ask about the names of the products ya'll listed though. Once I get a product and use it, I'll be sure to share if it works or not! ;)
Do be careful, though, and make sure it won't leave a much larger rough/distorted portion on the glass.
Something that's designed to work on one material may not work as well on another with different properties.
Acrylic tanks are notorious for scratching easily, so they must be softer...
If the tank is rectangular I'm a fan of the 'remove fish, remove ornaments, drain tank, reverse tank, put ornaments back, refill tank, put fish back' method. Basically, turn the tank around so the unscratched side is seeable.

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