Search results

  1. N

    What Color Light Bulb Would Make Theis Set Up Look Nice?

    Deep pink or purple 'night time' bulbs I think they are called would make it look lovely! =]
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    How To End A Fish's Life?

    Sorry to hear about your fish. You still gave her a better life than what she could expect in the pet store. Now your other fish has no buddy to bully with, you could always introduce her back in and see if she's calmer? You might aswell give her another chance, and if she still doesn't settle...
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    Introducing Boris

    I was going to buy a similar log ornament to add to my tank! Instead went with a jug ornament! Still, it looks really nice in your tank.
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    Importers Or Giants Owners Look Here

    The best place to look if you havn't already is Aquabid. It's got so much choice and variety that theres some real finds.
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    The Longest Betta Story

    She had, what seemed to be, a bad case of Ich. But not only did she have what appeared to be Ich, she also...
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    Red Bump (cyst?) Near Betta's Eye

    Sounds like it might possibly be an ulcer. If it is, it could be caused by poor water quality infecting a wound. Did a quick search for you and found this treatment info. [Please someone clarify this!] Treatment: Fish lose internal salts more quickly, so add some aquarium salt to the tank or...
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    Oscar Playing Dead

    That fish is so clever! Bless it! lol.
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    The Longest Betta Story

    ...Matilda, this bright young female betta pondered for a moment and then gestured to the dirty bubbles floating by him, then, plucking up courage she asked...
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    Tanks That Hang

    I really liked the idea of a large bubble tank on my wall, but It's just not practical when you have papier mache walls. ... No seriously.
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    Oh Well...

    Nothing in particular, just something that catches my eye. =] I know! Thats what I thought. They're usually only £4.95!
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    Oh Well...

    Checked out the LFS today, They must have sold the one I had my eye on, -_- They only had one other for sale that was £17.00 because it was 'special' (!?) Looked just like a regular one to me :rolleyes:, Still, I asked the woman and she said they'd be getting more in by tuesday, and they'd be...
  12. N

    Should I?

    Theres a video on YouTube showing two males in a tank together supposidly "In peace" with a bunch of other fish. The males didn't seem to mind each other (from the other side of the tank may I add), though when one got to close, the other flared and chased it. The one being chased was desperatly...
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    Not Swimming

    How bigs the tank? Have you got a filter? =]
  14. N

    My New Betta!

    Or Sonny/Sunny =] He's incred. pretty!
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    Persuade Me

    I would have said a Betta and possibly a cory, but Hex aquariums seem to be taller so the cory wouldn't have much tank floor to patrol. Still, its quite alot of space for a betta and you could deffo decorate it with alot of live plants to make it look nice, and create a pretty aquascape...
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    Some Old Stuff Up For Sale

    You'll almost deffinatly sell those on ebay for those prices.
  17. N

    Some Old Stuff Up For Sale

    Went out and bought a 25watt heater the other day for £20. I knew I should have waited lolol. Those are deff. bargains!
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    Need Betta Id- New Pic

    Ooooohhh. Thanks for explaining.
  19. N

    Need Betta Id- New Pic

    That was a really interesting read. But whatever the related pair set to breed, especially Father/Daughter and Mother/Son would ultimatly result in weaker fish. In the wild, do related Bettas breed together? Inbred fish are weaker for a reason: Nature says it isn't meant to happen. Are most...
  20. N

    You Have A 1.5 Gallon Tank & No Electrics

    When the season comes around again, perhaps if you, or a friend or relative has a pond in the their garden (that gets frogs) could collect some frogspawn from it if they get any and give you it. That way you could raise some tadpoles in it. But note: You might have to check whether you can take...
  21. N

    Advice On A Sick Betta

    She's lucky to have such a caring friend who's willing to help when she's in a Jam. The information and advice you've given her is priceless =] Hope there is success with the new Betta, and keep us updated! =]
  22. N

    Betta Entertainment - How To Make Him Less Bored?

    If you can, put a cave or ornament of some sort that the betta can actually go inside. It'll make him feel more protected and gives him something in his territory to guard. He can also dart into it when he feels threatened. A heater would make such a difference to his behaviour too and he'll...
  23. N

    Need Betta Id- New Pic

    You mean, the Breeder picks the best out of the spawn and breeds it again when its grown with the parent? Isn't that inbreeding? Which would eventually result in just a weak, if not deformed fish or is that how DT's came of existance?
  24. N

    Quick Question...

    What do you do with the fry once they've grown up? Will the pet shop take them on or buy them from you, or do they not usually do that? I'm even more interested to know about Betta's because the bettas would, I presume, be sold less than in bulk (of say Neon Tetras) to a pet shop. Has anyone...
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    New Tank Question

    Sorry Rufuss, I thought you were being serious XD I didn't mean for it to come across as nasty, I just had some points to make. =]
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    New Tank Question

    Rufuss I wouldn't really call that a tank, more like a 'Pot'. It's not really advised at all to keep permenantly. I'd use something like that to put the betta in if I did a tank clean and then put him back in afterwards. Or If I was moving him from one place to another via car or something, or...
  27. N

    New Tank Question

    Lol that betta looks so cute in all that room. It's a fair amount of space, and If you want it to work you might need to put alot of long leaf plants (pref real ones) and plant it densly so that it can feel more secure and interested. An ornament that the betta can get in and guard will also...
  28. N

    Betta Tails And Colours

    This is so helpful! Thank you for spending time putting it together! This will really help myself, and everyone else with a new betta to distinguish which catagory their betta is in! Please save this in the forums so everyone can see it! =]
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    I Need Help Quick

    Aww but thats still good news. At least you didnt get it if you couldnt cope with another. =]
  30. N

    Afraid Of Losing Second Betta To Similar Problems...

    If the waters quite chilly (or just under room temp), then you might want to think of buying a cheap heater. It will perk him up abit and will make him less susceptible to disease. I'm from the UK but I know that petsmart or Walmart sell cheap 7.5ish Watt heaters which would make such a...
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    I've got two of these in my filter, and they came with it, as well as A netted pack of carbon things, and a sponge. The instructions said all three need to be in the filter. No clue how they work. Would like to know more =]
  32. N

    Can I Cry Now?

    You could always go back to the shops you visited and ask them to contact you when they have one for sale, or you could ask them to reserve one ready for you to collect it. You might also be able to ask the pet shop for breeder information or where they get their betta's from and see if they...
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    Updated Pics Of Taro & Tien's Babies.

    Ahaww those are cute. ^_^ They're going to look amazing when they grow to young adults :D Oh forgot to ask, How many have you raised from this current batch?
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    First Time Betta Breeding Experience

    I'm so excited for you! Can't wait to see some pictures. =]
  35. N

    Ideally The Height Of A Betta Tank Should Not Exceed 9"

    Do betta's make trips to the surface often? I thought that was only if they really-sort-of-needed it. :blush: I mean I knew they could breath from the surface because of the Lab Organ, but I thought that they did it when oxygen was low in the water(?)... Learn something new everyday. :good:
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    Loretta Passed Away Today

    Omgod. My heart actually sank when I read this. You've spoken so highly of loretta over the past few weeks. I'm gutted for you. She was such a pretty betta. =[
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    Meet Dexter

    He's got an amazing tail fin =D
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    Wild Apple Snail Ok?

    You could try taking one and putting it in a smaller different tank for the mean time just to prepare it for going into the tank. Let it get rid of the rubbish inside it and let it get used to what its going to be like inside the tank before you add it. The pet shop ones have grown up in real...
  39. N

    Live Plants 4 Bettas

    Java Moss Balls also will look amazing in a tank and your betta can rest on them :rolleyes: A cluster of them together look really nice aswell.