Oh Well...


Fish Fanatic
Dec 9, 2007
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Checked out the LFS today, They must have sold the one I had my eye on, -_- They only had one other for sale that was £17.00 because it was 'special' (!?) Looked just like a regular one to me :rolleyes:, Still, I asked the woman and she said they'd be getting more in by tuesday, and they'd be ready for wednesday.

Fingers crossed I find a good'n =]
Nothing in particular, just something that catches my eye. =]

I know! Thats what I thought. They're usually only £4.95!
Nothing in particular, just something that catches my eye. =]

I know! Thats what I thought. They're usually only £4.95!

Yeah...if only my LFS/LPS would get some HMs...I am so tempted to hop into my truck and start fish searching...but I am sick, so I better stay inside!

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