New Tank Question


Why have a 250 Gallon tank, when you can have this.. Reading the box alone should convince you to use the tank.

After all, its "Picture-Perfect!"

Rufuss I wouldn't really call that a tank, more like a 'Pot'. It's not really advised at all to keep permenantly. I'd use something like that to put the betta in if I did a tank clean and then put him back in afterwards. Or If I was moving him from one place to another via car or something, or put it in a bag.

The reason why its not advised to keep them in there is for a variety of reasons. It's really not practical, ethical, or that nice to look at IMO. You'd have to do a water change...daily if not even more often? So the poor Betta doesn't get a chance to settle. The Betta doesn't really have that much room so It can't really exercise or move about that much either.

As people have said time and time again. Just because they can Survive in those kind of conditions doesn't mean they want to or should.

[EDIT] Forgot to say, Of course the companies manufacturing those pots are going to say that they aren't cruel, They want to sell as many as they can to the naive or beginners. It's all about money, not the welfare of the fish.
I was kidding, everyone knows its bad.

But, its a excellent hospital tank. You can't disagree with that.
not to be rude and i love bettas but thats a waste of a tank and its to bare where are your 15 ornaments in the pic? or have i missed something lol
regards scot :good:
If you're serious...Buy a 5gal. for the Betta, and fill the big tank with other'll allow you lots of choices!
Well, anyways here is an image of my setup. I'm sorry if the picture is bad my camera and my skills are not good.

View attachment 53653
That betta has been added to the picture, nobody in this world can be so seriously funny.
awwww bless him!!!!!! :lol: :lol: all that room, looks like a nice fish and a wonderful tank, i would get a smaller tank of about 20L that is all he needs, but this tank would be awesome for a load of female bettas, i cant take this seriously at all, the biggest laugh ive had today.....THANK YOU!
If this -is- serious...

You say you got this tank and everything in it for your betta. Did you cycle the tank? With brand new everything... it would take some time to cycle.
I was kidding, everyone knows its bad.

But, its a excellent hospital tank. You can't disagree with that.

Sorry Rufuss, I thought you were being serious XD
I didn't mean for it to come across as nasty, I just had some points to make.
W..... T..... F........ is going on :blink:

Is this really a topic?

btw.... I thought Rufuss was serious too..... I was about to go on a stupidity of people rampage. :lol:
Ooops... I didn't look at the picture very closely. I was pretty distracted TBH trying to get hold of the rest of the blasted band and work out what was going on with the music festival... lol

But yeah, Modaz is exactly right. Take a good look around the betta. See the lighter coloured pixels around the edges? Clear copy/paste job. I also noticed that for a 250 gallon tank the betta looked to take up quite a lot of room. He looks sorta like a crowntail as well, so I can't give much credit to the idea that the OP fluked picking up a giant imbellis.

Clever hoax, but Daz busted you.

Rufuss, you are a bit of a hypocrite, no offense, but you keep your betta in less than the recommended minimum tank (less than 1 gallon) and hardly ever change the water (once every 2 weeks) and then you get up us for keeping our bettas in tanks less than 2 gallons. And as for that tank, it's kind of like somebody, pretty sure it was ReMz, said on the other thread. Yeah, we know it's cruel to keep a betta in just enough water to keep him wet. But if this is all newbies see, and they see somebody on a serious forum making serious looking posts about the suitability of these containers, and don't understand that you're being sarcastic, they can get the wrong idea. I know you probably don't mean to misinform beginners but it would just be better if you didn't post that kind of stuff.

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