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  1. Ehudd

    Fire Gobies

    It's been much debated about pairing them. 10% say I've done it the rest have had fatalities. I've had a fire goby in my 20gal for a solid 6 months. I saw one today for only 10au dollars and for here that's a bargain. I could resist. I was nervous putting him in. They met each other in the...
  2. Ehudd

    Peppermint Bristlenose

    #39####! yeah cause at the lfs they are all like 5cm some had full bristles and other only had to on the lip. I didnt know that. So i bought 1 with no bristles that was smaller, so it could be a male!! :P ah well now i know thanks guys
  3. Ehudd

    Peppermint Bristlenose

    Do the females also have bristles?
  4. Ehudd


    my mistake the holes will actually be 35mm
  5. Ehudd


    thanks for the replies from both of you. Weir would be a better option, and i may use one later. But for little glass panels the fish store is charging me a fortune and i cant be bothered with it. Its going to be a 25mm hole. Is there a rule of thumb to how high or low the hole should be from...
  6. Ehudd


    I'm thinking just a pipe or would a weir be better
  7. Ehudd


    I got everything for it already from my old standard 2ft tank. But i will be finally using a sump. My question is, where would best suit the holes? Should i drill the bottom of the back panel. Personal experience would be good :)
  8. Ehudd

    Ehudd's Nano Journal

  9. Ehudd

    Ehudd's Nano Journal

    lol :P well the royal isnt doing so well, still has not settled looks like it could have some fin rot, but im hoping for the best. give him a couple more days b4 i try something else with him
  10. Ehudd

    Ehudd's Nano Journal

    and for a certain someone :P I will get some more tomorrow, work has tired me, and taking pics is just as bad as we all know. I got a royal gramma today!!! love it. p.s. oh and the lump in my chest if you noticed is a tear, hurt it last week, still not 100%
  11. Ehudd


    maybe a sea hare
  12. Ehudd

    Ehudd's Nano Journal

    thanks! that torso you see has been greatly modified :) been training hard again. I will put pics up when i can, blue zoo's look awsome
  13. Ehudd

    Ehudd's Nano Journal

    Hey guys, been awhile since i have been on these forums. Tank is still going, i left it alone for around 3 months doing absolutely nothing to it, just but some food in every other day. Corals are growing like crazy, my glass is finally purple! i will upload some pics with my new blue zoo's come...
  14. Ehudd

    The Indecisive Journal Of Trod's 5 Footer

    no, make it a lions den. i have been reading this thread for way to long to see it turn into another boring reef tank.
  15. Ehudd

    Ehudd's Nano Journal

    time for an update. the female clown jumped out, into my bowl of spaghetti. Sad loss, but funny to think back on, I was eating and looking at the computer, look down to eat, and there she was, lying in some sauce.... poor thing. The tank has had a MASSIVE algae problem which killed most my...
  16. Ehudd

    The Indecisive Journal Of Trod's 5 Footer

    cant call it a lions den without a volitan!!! :P Nah its up to you, but i think a small one would be awsome, i have kept them, and im always kicking myself im not now. Well the tank cycled sooner than i expected, which is awsome! fish soon :P
  17. Ehudd

    The Indecisive Journal Of Trod's 5 Footer

    Trod, here is some inspiration for you
  18. Ehudd

    Ehudd's Nano Journal

    both units are 11" so 2 unit will fit on there, being 12 tubes. Some bad news, the female clown jumped out, she has jumped out so many times and she has been fine, but this time i didnt notice, poor thing. They only onyx clowns i have ever seen in perth (where i live)
  19. Ehudd

    The Indecisive Journal Of Trod's 5 Footer

    nice, looks like the cycle is going good then.
  20. Ehudd

    Ehudd's Nano Journal

  21. Ehudd

    Ehudd's Nano Journal

    if money was the issue i would never have started this hobby
  22. Ehudd

    Ehudd's Nano Journal

    it really comes down to personal preference, i like the t5 look, i like the different colour combinations you can have. Im getting 12 :D
  23. Ehudd

    Ehudd's Nano Journal

    lol.... Deal. Okay now got some questions. This tank was REALLY poorly made, i would like to take it apart and redo it myself with black silicone. Also need some holes in it as this will be my very first tank with a sump on it :D Will 6t5's be good enough? or should i upgrade to halides. I...
  24. Ehudd

    Ehudd's Nano Journal

    lol i want to so badly!
  25. Ehudd

    Ehudd's Nano Journal

    so i was looking around in my shed.... and there it was, my 2ft cube that i never set up.... .......... somebody stop me.
  26. Ehudd

    Ehudd's Nano Journal

  27. Ehudd

    Ehudd's Nano Journal

    thats them, just a diff colour variation.
  28. Ehudd

    Ehudd's Nano Journal

    Update time!! My Tubastrea, its actually cold water, but it seems to be doing well, when diving and saw it lying face down on the ground. my purple goni, this is a progression from when i got it to now very unusual colours torch coral had to get it another unusual colour, these fluffy...
  29. Ehudd

    Mandarin Fish

    Okay, for the people that got worried and stressed. I just srt up a 20L pod culture. with some filter media in it. Every week i will dunk it in my tank, but i wouldnt say he would ever run out of pods in mine, they are honestly everywhere, and this is his 2nd week and he is fatter than he was in...
  30. Ehudd

    Rabbut's Marine Jurnal

    yea deff not a bi colour. I got the same one mine is camera shy to. whats your water like? got alot of algea, mine didnt even look like that when it was cycling being uncured. I guess you do have a metal halide
  31. Ehudd

    The Indecisive Journal Of Trod's 5 Footer

    Its just die off from the rock, i guess it could be used as a good sign, or just a normal one. It happens, things on your LR die seeing as it isnt cured. Mine were covered in it, came back beautiful! Completely normal nothing to worry bout. Ski might have to back me up on this, but im pretty...
  32. Ehudd

    Ehudd's Nano Journal

    I have never tested for magnesium in my tanks and they have always run fine. I know its like playing with fire, but i never had a problem. Cept i will be buying one when i can find one, really wanna know every part of my water. But my alk and ca are very stable, the calcium supp i use maintains...
  33. Ehudd

    Mandarin Fish

    SHE has :P Looks like she would be a beautiful mate for mine! lets hook em up ;)
  34. Ehudd

    Mandarin Fish

    yes but it will always recover. As i said. mine lived on frozen brine for years assuming there was pods in the tank also, but there may not have been. Regardless, i do see your point, and he will be moving onto a 50gal to spend the rest of his live soon, id much rather him to eat pods than...
  35. Ehudd

    Mandarin Fish

    its not the size of the tank thats the issue its the pod population in your tank. Alot of them die due to starvation. You have to have a big population, and try get it on frozen, mine is almost eating it so im lucky. he cost $60 AU I will disagree with you here. Unless you stating that they...
  36. Ehudd

    Mandarin Fish

    i know i am a lovable guy.... oh wait, the mandarin! :P Yea hes is a stunner!
  37. Ehudd

    Mandarin Fish

    Cant help but take photos of him, he is pretty much posing for me
  38. Ehudd

    Hitchiker Crab Id?

    i wouldnt put bacon in my fish tank :sick: I'd say your best bet is abit of prawn.
  39. Ehudd

    Ehudd's Nano Journal

    i keep track of my alk and calcium dont have a magnesium test kit and i cant find them anywhere
  40. Ehudd

    Ehudd's Nano Journal

    yea, didnt want to burn my rics, and now i got bare minimum for some acro's, dont want heaps just 1 or 2.