Ehudd's Nano Journal

12 tubes would certainly open up a lot of stocking choices, but they'll be as bright as a MH at least in the top half to three quaters, so if you are opting for T5 over MH, to avoid up-setting mushrooms with too much light, you would kind of shoot yourself in the foot with that kind of option. You'll be getting a similar output to a 400W halide if they are all white tubes, or to a 250W MH if you split half Actinic and half white... Still, as Barney says, with 12 tubes you can play with different lamps to get the colour you want/like :hyper:
How the heck do you cram in 12 tubes over a two foot cube :blink: ??

Seffie x


both units are 11" so 2 unit will fit on there, being 12 tubes.

Some bad news, the female clown jumped out, she has jumped out so many times and she has been fine, but this time i didnt notice, poor thing. They only onyx clowns i have ever seen in perth (where i live)
What is an onyx clown?

Seffie x


ah ha.........just had a quick google ( :fun: sounds almost rude!) true percs and very pretty indeed :D
time for an update.

the female clown jumped out, into my bowl of spaghetti. Sad loss, but funny to think back on, I was eating and looking at the computer, look down to eat, and there she was, lying in some sauce.... poor thing.
The tank has had a MASSIVE algae problem which killed most my zoo's but everything else is okay.
I havent added a coral for months.
STUPIDLY! my mother bought me a fish. the thought was there i guess, i was excited to see what it was. guy at the fish store said they stay around 4"


Bristle tooth tang. wasnt the worst tang to get i guess. He is only like 1.5" atm. I have fallen in love with him! so looks like i need to upgrade cos i cant part with him
time for an update.

the female clown jumped out, into my bowl of spaghetti. Sad loss, but funny to think back on, I was eating and looking at the computer, look down to eat, and there she was, lying in some sauce.... poor thing.
The tank has had a MASSIVE algae problem which killed most my zoo's but everything else is okay.
I havent added a coral for months.
STUPIDLY! my mother bought me a fish. the thought was there i guess, i was excited to see what it was. guy at the fish store said they stay around 4"


Bristle tooth tang. wasnt the worst tang to get i guess. He is only like 1.5" atm. I have fallen in love with him! so looks like i need to upgrade cos i cant part with him

hey mate

sorry to hear about the clown; but that is funny :lol:
im gonna see what that tang looks like :) wish my mummy would buy me a fishy lol :D

All the best

Hey guys, been awhile since i have been on these forums.
Tank is still going, i left it alone for around 3 months doing absolutely nothing to it, just but some food in every other day.
Corals are growing like crazy, my glass is finally purple!
i will upload some pics with my new blue zoo's come out :D :D
Great to see you and the torso back :good: lookforward to the pictures

seffie x

thanks! that torso you see has been greatly modified :) been training hard again.

I will put pics up when i can, blue zoo's look awsome




and for a certain someone :p


I will get some more tomorrow, work has tired me, and taking pics is just as bad as we all know.

I got a royal gramma today!!! love it.

p.s. oh and the lump in my chest if you noticed is a tear, hurt it last week, still not 100%

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