Ehudd's Nano Journal

I presume you are tracking the Mg and Alk also? Assume they are also getting "used up"? What supplements have you opted to use, or are you going to rely on water changes to keep the levels good :unsure:

All the best
I presume you are tracking the Mg and Alk also? Assume they are also getting "used up"? What supplements have you opted to use, or are you going to rely on water changes to keep the levels good :unsure:

All the best

i keep track of my alk and calcium dont have a magnesium test kit and i cant find them anywhere
I hope if you are not able to get a Mg test kit, you intend to just use water changes to maintain your Ca and Alk levels. Using supplements without traking and mantaining Mg levels is setting you up for a Alk/Ca crash/precipitation :crazy: I'm sure I mentioned this eariler and you are aware of this though, so I'll shut up now :lol:

All the best
I hope if you are not able to get a Mg test kit, you intend to just use water changes to maintain your Ca and Alk levels. Using supplements without traking and mantaining Mg levels is setting you up for a Alk/Ca crash/precipitation :crazy: I'm sure I mentioned this eariler and you are aware of this though, so I'll shut up now :lol:

All the best

I have never tested for magnesium in my tanks and they have always run fine. I know its like playing with fire, but i never had a problem. Cept i will be buying one when i can find one, really wanna know every part of my water. But my alk and ca are very stable, the calcium supp i use maintains magnesium.

BUT i will be getting a kit, dont stess, tank is going good.
Fair enough. It's your tank so I won't stress over it, thats your job :lol: :hyper:

Ca is not consumed proportinately to Mg, so a suppliment that deals with both can quickly lead to levels going off. It's batter to overdose Mg than under-dose it though... Ca and Alk stability is poor with low Mg, but you need more Mg than sea-water can usually hold to do damage to fish in the short-term. Even very high levels are often tollerated on a longer-term basis. This does not mean to say go and overdose stuff though :rolleyes: (not that you are likely to mind)

All the best
Update time!!

My Tubastrea, its actually cold water, but it seems to be doing well, when diving and saw it lying face down on the ground.

my purple goni, this is a progression from when i got it to now

very unusual colours torch coral had to get it

another unusual colour, these fluffy morphs were a bargain! they look soooooooooo good under blue

lastly my zoo collection, went to alot of trouble to get the same lookin zoos

orange,red,green and yellow. I know of blues, cept gotta wait till i can pay for them :p

Well thats it! Mandarin fish is fat and still a pod population. My clowns are finally eating till they are fat, my tanks a dream right now, weekly water changes and RO top ups are working a treat. I even bought an acro frag a week ago and its still very green, has not lost colour!
Update time!!

My Tubastrea, its actually cold water, but it seems to be doing well, when diving and saw it lying face down on the ground.

my purple goni, this is a progression from when i got it to now

very unusual colours torch coral had to get it

another unusual colour, these fluffy morphs were a bargain! they look soooooooooo good under blue

lastly my zoo collection, went to alot of trouble to get the same lookin zoos

orange,red,green and yellow. I know of blues, cept gotta wait till i can pay for them :p

Well thats it! Mandarin fish is fat and still a pod population. My clowns are finally eating till they are fat, my tanks a dream right now, weekly water changes and RO top ups are working a treat. I even bought an acro frag a week ago and its still very green, has not lost colour!

Thats very nice!! have you got a fts of your tank?

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