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  1. newbetta_3.jpg


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    Petco Rescue

    :-( Sorry for the picture quality. My camera just doesn't want to take Betta shots!!
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    Petco Rescue

    :crazy: Okay, I shouldn't have looked but I did. Hundreds of tiny cups with bettas laying in them. Some really nice ones too. Here was this little tiny guy with a terrible case of tail rot....... or what.... Set up a mini bow for him with bettamax and a bit of salt. What should I be...
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    :) What do you use to keep the plastic needlecraft canvas from moving?
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    :huh: For future reference... if the medicine is 1 teaspoon for 10 gallons... then I would put ten teaspoons full of water into a cup, add the 1 teaspoon of medicine, mix and then put the required number of teaspoon fulls into a smaller tank - ex: 2 1/2 teaspoons full for a 2.5 gallon tank...
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    dropsy...but she is acting quite normal...

    :-( And mine.
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    Not happy with my CT's

    -_- My blue CT has two tiny pin point sized holes in his dorsal fin next to his body. When I originally got him he was missing a piece of his tail. It's now growing back nicely - although it's coming in red - but there's no other sign of anything wrong. He eats great and is lively. The...
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    dropsy...but she is acting quite normal...

    :sad: How long should you soak a fish in a bath like epson salts?
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    Pix of my royal blue spawn

    :) That plant really looks neat. Thanks for the idea. It's something to keep in mind for one end of a breeding tank. Certainly offers a bunch of hiding spots.
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    Okay, THAT'S IT!!

    -_- I know that feeling. One of the new male crowntails has dropsy. I noticed the big stomach when I bought him but he was lively, etc and I didn't give it a thought. Suddenly this week it just exploded in size. Now he just mopes in the upper corner until dinner time. He becomes a...
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    My marble's done changed!!

    -_- Here he is now... again sorry for the quality. my camera just doesn't like to take photos on the fly!!
  13. marble_betta_2.jpg


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    My marble's done changed!!

    :o My lovely little black, blue and white marble has undergone quite a change in these past few weeks. Gone is the white.. there's very little left. Add some red on his upper back edging the black. There's silver on the gill covers now and a lot of blue that wasn't there before... Sorry for...
  15. marble_betta_3.jpg


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    Another cycle question

    ;) Actually this pair seems to tolerate each other quite well. One flares every now and then but is completely ignored by the spade tail who just explores and explores. He rarely flares. The divider has silk plants lining both sides so that there's not much of an area where the two can...
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    Another cycle question

    -_- I have a 2 1/2 gallon mini bow that I was changing every ten days. I changed the tank last Sunday and discovered yesterday a cloudy tank with a huge nitrite level. The amonia level was quite low and had been before the water change. I removed the fish to another tank - bettas - and added...
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    new stuff, some questions

    :rolleyes: I've got three mini bow 2.5 gallon tanks going with the submerged 6 inch 25 watt heater without any problems. The heaters were a big help getting rid of the ich which two came in with. I do check the temperatures several times a day - sometimes by just touching the outside of the...
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    free bettas, know were to get some

    I don't see anything wrong with a nice veil tail. My blue one is lovely and personally I think I prefer him to the crown tails. The deltas get my number one vote thou... love them. :blink:
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    How much flaring is good?

    :huh: I have three mini bow tanks with dividers in each one. The first tank has a veil tail and a spade tail betta. The spade tail could care less about anything. He is always exploring and will sometimes hang and stare at the other betta but rarely flares. His tank mate will explore and...
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    Feeding blackworms

    :unsure: What happens to the black worms that the fish ignore??? Both of the ones in one tank ignored them and let them float to the bottom and of course they went into the gravel.
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    -_- I used a portion of a brown bag for the ones I just got. I truthfully think my fridge is too cold for them. They keep trying to escape! I'm at a loss as to what they would eat also.
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    New Betta has Ick

    -_- Ich update. One betta has responded quite well to the aqua-sol/salt treatment but the other betta in the tank with him seems to be still badly infected. The temperature is 86 in the tank. Both fish are eating fairly well though. I've been feeding them live black worms. Am I correct in...
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    Feeding blackworms

    :rolleyes: Thanks. I changed the water today and discovered a bunch had tried to make a break for it! I rinsed a couple off earlier and fed them to a pair. Of course, they loved them!!! What can be fed to them to use them as a starter culture? How long do these normally last in the fridge...
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    Feeding blackworms

    :unsure: I currently have some black worms in the fridge. I want to feed some to the bettas. Do I take the amount I want out and rinse them as well as let them warm up a bit? Or just feed them straight.
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    New Betta has Ick

    :unsure: Just came back from the pet store. All the bettas disappeared!! Guess they all came down with the ich. The clerk's reaction made me think that when I told her about the two I had bought. Sigh....
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    How often do I feed Bettas?

    :rolleyes: I feed mine once a day - a pellet at a time until they show no interest in the food. They are ready to eat when it's time. Now I have a black worm batch which I am trying to use as a culture on a trial basis right now. They'll get those a couple times a week but at this point I am...
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    :rolleyes: You should be able to make your own by using a plastic needlepoint canvas that you can get in any crafts store. They come in several sizes and you just cut it to size and anchor it down.
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    New Betta has Ick

    :crazy: I blame the pet store for the ich infestation. They had just gotten a new shipment of fish in and they used the water from those tanks for the betta bowls rather than from something established. I'm headed to the store shortly with a list of stuff. Separate nets, small heaters, etc...
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    New Betta has Ick

    -_- I think the fish store used infected water when they changed the water in the bowl. The box says 1 rounded teaspoon per 5 gallons so I need to cut that in half. Can I still use a regular medicine for Ich with the salt? I would assume that I need to remove half the water and then add new...
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    New Betta has Ick

    :sad: How much salt? I think I need to treat both even though one does not show any sign of it. They're in a 2 1/2 gallon mini bow. Is Aquarium salt the correct salt? I think they might have used infected water from another tank when they changed his bowl. Thanks...
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    New Betta has Ick

    :unsure: One of the new bettas has been acting weird today. I just noticed one or two white spots on his fins. What's the standard treatment for Ick with Bettas? I think the other new fish probably has the same problem as he's not acting right either.
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    Terra Cotta pots

    -_- What about the chlorine in the tap water? Probably a stupid question but would that cling to the pot? Or is it okay to just dry it off and put it in the tank?
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    Are colors an influence?

    -_- I am beginning to wonder just what type of influence the colors of a betta have on another betta. I have several mini bow tanks in a row next to each other. Each tank houses two bettas with the divider inserted. The blue and red bettas are in one tank. The blue ignores the red as if it...
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    Went nuts on aquabid

    :o Beautiful, beautiful. Has anyone had any problems with getting fish on Aquabid? I was eyeing that one myself. I want to get settled in my move before bidding though.
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    I should stay out of LFS

    ;) I really think they're crosses. The blue is either a short fin or still developing. There's a marked difference between them and the delta that I have in the way the tail is when they flare up. A cross would also account for the upper lobe being longer rather than rounder.
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    Ok what the heck

    -_- Any possibility of a shill bidder? I haven't bid on Aquabid yet but I know that Ebay has problems with that every now and then.
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    I should stay out of LFS

    :unsure: The red multi has a small spot on his tail out. When he's really flaring the tail's 180 open. The blue one is unbelievable when he flares. The spots you see on his fins are white areas which look like rays when he flares. He also flares his tail at 180 degrees - half moon style. I...
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    I should stay out of LFS

    :) That blue one is quite a knock out when he flares. Very different.
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    I should stay out of LFS

    And this :*)