Okay, THAT'S IT!!


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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My female betta tank has been having some problems lately... First came persistently cloudy water (even after I did a 40, 60, and 90% water changes over the course of three days,) then the discovery of flatworms in the gravel (which my zoology professor identified for me and assured me were harmless to the fish, thank goodness;) NOW one of my females has dropsy!! That's it. I can't take it anymore.
I just finished doing a... 150% water change *lol*
I rinsed the gravel extremely well, probably suctioned out more than half of my trumpet snails (not that I mind them too terribly.. they were just in the way of the gravel vac,) rinsed out the filter, and changed the filter media. I guess I'll be doing a mini cycle, if not a full cycle, with my existing female bettas... which I hate to do, but I don't have any other cycled tank they can live in in the meantime. I'm treating the dropsy girl in a separate bowl with Melafix. I'm not very optimistic, but at least I can give her a chance.

Edit: On the other hand, my tank is sparkling clean and freshly re-arranged, so I might post some pics of Ellen, my manly female, and her harem soon :p
-_- I know that feeling. One of the new male crowntails has dropsy. I noticed the big stomach when I bought him but he was lively, etc and I didn't give it a thought. Suddenly this week it just exploded in size. Now he just mopes in the upper corner until dinner time. He becomes a franzied fish at dinner time. You wouldn't know there was anything wrong with him. Water changes, and more water changes followed by meds, etc... how well I know that route! Hope you have success!

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