

Fish Herder
May 10, 2004
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well no actually i didn't but that would be a good thing to win too :p

i must be lucky lately becuase today we went downtown to toronto, and :hyper: :hyper: i went inot a petstore and :eek: they had blackworms!!

i've been looking around in EVERY store for them but i couldtn' find them at all! it was like tehyr'e extinct in canada! so i immediately bought 3 portions and paid almost $10.00 for them. price was not an issue at this moment :p

they are now chillin (literally) in my fridge in a container :wub: i fed *some* to my fish just to see the response, andt hey turned into pigs! everyone was after it :wub: i can't imagine how much fun my fry are going to have with this!

:fun: :fun: :hyper: once i get the cultures up il'l porbably sell them online or to other members in tff since i know blackworms could hardly be found here in canada :)
Congrats! I know you've been looking for them for quite some time- your bettas are probably loving you more than ever now! :hyper:
okay i'm confused on how i should be culturing them :S i read the little pinned topic written by joker at the top of the page, and apparently he has them refridgerated and feeds them shrimp pellets once a week. I don't have paper towel and that's the only thing that different between me and his culture.

however, this site:


states that the culture should NOT be refrigerated as they will not reproduce that way. Instead taht could be kept at room temperature...is this true?

so..do i keept em in the fridge or not? what should i feed them :S

Also, when i change water i have just been usign awter from the fridge (my fridge is one of the ones that has those drinking water things) is this the water i should be using or what? alternatively i could use boiled water, then cooled in the fridge, which one is better?

as you can see i really need this culture to grow becuase downtown is realyl far away from me to get another one :S
-_- I used a portion of a brown bag for the ones I just got. I truthfully think my fridge is too cold for them. They keep trying to escape!

I'm at a loss as to what they would eat also.

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