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  1. D

    Restocking Disaster

    Bump help plz fish are getting worse
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    Restocking Disaster

    done a 30% water change rinsing the filter sponges in the syphoned water switched the lights off and coverd the front glass so its nice and dark for them and plan to do another 30% water change tomorrow. Ive noticed my tank is starting to get a build up of brown algae so I cleaned what I could...
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    Restocking Disaster

    I feel like i should be doing something but what??? Each time i check on them i get more worried that im gonna find a fish or two floating around Id be gutted if this happend and there was something i could of done to prevent it.
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    Restocking Disaster

    three of my fish now have what look like the beginnings of finrot as they have started getting milky white patches where they have nipped each other. also two still have a couple of the white sugary like specks under there mouth but dont seem to be getting any worse either. really hope i dont...
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    Restocking Disaster

    i dont know zoddy thats why im askin for help if you have some advice pls share cos im avin a tough time of late.
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    Restocking Disaster

    ok thanks Mhancock will look into the salt. Today the fish dont look anyworse but they dont look any better either. Would anything help the fish in growing there torn fins back???
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    Restocking Disaster

    My diamonds are looking a little more settled today and im suspecting that sorting the pecking order is the reason behind the ragged fins. I have however noticed that two of the new fish have a few small white bits under there mouths that look a little like sugar granuales (possibley ich?) As...
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    Restocking Disaster

    ok thanks i will keep observing and update later in the meantime would adding some aquarium safe salt help at all??? ive heard people say its a good idea and others that its pointless. your opinions plz.
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    Restocking Disaster

    turned the lights on this morning and most of the fins were ragged on all the new diamonds i added and also one of my neons i cant see any white edges on the fins my water stats remain the same. would it be a good idea to medicate or just observe for a while longer?
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    Api Ammonia Test Result Anomalies

    great i was advised to use this kit on this forum and never seem to be able to get a reading of anything else but 0.25ppm on the ammonia test. What test kits do you advise im sick of buying stuff just to find out its second rate.
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    Restocking Disaster

    the old diamond is a male and he seems a little bossy but nothing extreme so you maybe right im just really worried after all the fish i lost to the fin rot i had before. the problem is id like to restock the neons and the hatchetts aswell but i dont want to introduce to many fish at once i was...
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    Restocking Disaster

    After previous problems with finrot I decided to introduce some new stock to my tank so this morning i walked up to my lfs and talked the owner into selling me 5 diamond tetras from one of his display tanks. I introduced them slowly over an hour and a half and left the lights off i also added...
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    Filter Medias Which One?

    thanks :)
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    External Filter For Under £30

    if theres air in the filter just turn it upside down in the water untill all the airs out.
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    Filter Medias Which One?

    should i be cleaning all the gunk out of my filter media? I dont allways squeeze my sponges when cleaning only if the it makes a noticeable difference to the flow (in my existing tank).
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    Faiirly Cheap/simple Diy Projects?

    that is slate but when you buy it from a garden centre or lfs it is cleaner and as khuli said comes in different colours and sizes you can make a simple large structure just using several larger pieces of slate. I only have a 30 gallon with small fish so i made smaller caves by using a clean...
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    Filter Medias Which One?

    will these provide any major benefits over normal sponge media. I ask because i want to provide the best enviroment that i can afford in my tank when i set it up for the livestock but at the same time i dont want to be spending on unnescessery equipment just because the people who sell these...
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    Filter Medias Which One?

    i was defo jokin about usin edible noodles lol but thanks for that now i know what filter noodles are
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    Clove Oil

    thankyou never a nice job but this makes it easier.
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    Faiirly Cheap/simple Diy Projects?

    I like to make caves out of glass or terracotta pots coverd with gravel, Sand or a combination of both using the sand for the gaps when using gravel. also i make caves out of slate these take some time as the slate is quite heavy so they need to be glued in stages. Just make sure any...
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    Clove Oil

    nice one i had to do nearly all my stock not long ago i did the old knife to the back of the head. ive never felt so terrible in all my life but it just needed to be done. :( How long does it take for the clove oil to work?
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    Filter Medias Which One?

    just one more question what flavour noodles should i use? will beef and tomato pot noodle do ???
  23. D

    New Tank Painting The Background Help Plz

    thanks guys ill be off to the shop for some black gloss and a roller then :)
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    Filter Medias Which One?

    ok thanks guys :)
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    What Could Be The Cause?

    check out the video link by rossc in the thread 'what first? live plants or fish first?'.
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    Aquariums And Play-Doh Containers...

    ive just made some caves using clean glass pots and glueing gravel from my tank onto them with aquarium grade non toxic silicon (i paid £5 for the silicone from my lfs). I think you can do the same with terracotta pots but just make sure you give anything you use a good scrub in hot water first.
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    New Tank Painting The Background Help Plz

    Ive had a 4ft fluval tank sat in my living room waiting to be set up for about a month now i really want it looking bang tidy! first time round. I was looking at a rainforest root and rock background but savings not easy at the mo im out of work with injury and i got 3 squids and one on the way...
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    3D Background... What Can I Put Behind It?

    if you look at theones on ebeay tyey have mesh siliconed onto the sides so fish dont go down the back if i knew how to send links i would but dont have a clue. I looked at the ones made by aquamaniacs and they show a video of there product. I dont know if this is any help as i dont have one...
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    Filter Medias Which One?

    i have a second hand fluval 305 external filter and have been looking at getting some new filter sponges on ebay the best price i can see is around £6 for a pack of 2 sponges specificaly for this pump. Q1, Is there a cheaper substitute i can use that will do the same job? When it comes to...
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    Could I Use This Wood In My Aquarium

    ok thanks ill just have to keep saving up for one of those on ebay then lol £130 seems alot even tho they do look pretty good.
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    Clove Oil

    why do you use clove oil?
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    Could I Use This Wood In My Aquarium

    does anybody know if those backgrounds are safe? ive been looking for cheaper alternatives for 3d back grounds also.
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    Do Ammo Chips Work?

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    Tropical Crabs

    Not to long ago i had two freshwater red claw crabs in my community and when i had issues with fin rot the crabs may of been a factor as even tho i didnt see it they could of been nipping my b/n plec which left a wound for fin rot to develop which then spread to my other fish. When i saw the...
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    Do Ammo Chips Work?

    Thanks akasha :) will look now has anyone tried this product in the above link? more info if poss please
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    Oh No Moving House! 7 Tanks To Move

    all i can say is good luck with that how bigs the 150 gal maybe if you could get the use of one of them 2 wheel trolleys you tilt back wrap the tank in blankets and strap it to that. Im not sure to be honest never had to do anything like that before so just an idea.
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    Do Ammo Chips Work?

    the tank is a 6-8 month old 30 gallon (thus was set up from my 1year old 2ft set up i used everyting from that tank to set the 30 gal up), Lightly planted and the only stock at the mo is 1 marble hatchett,2 neons,1 diamond tetra and a rainbow shark (im taking the rainbow out and the neons as...
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    Do Ammo Chips Work?
