Do Ammo Chips Work?


Fish Crazy
Sep 15, 2010
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im having an issue with ammonia reading 0.25pm in my tap and tank water. I think this must be down to the the new upgraded filter still establishing a fluval u4 thats running alongside my old one, a fluval 2.

They have been running together now for just over 2 months but i didnt put any old media in with the new filter up until the other day. My mistake.

Has anyone used ammo carb or ammo chips that you add to your filter and do they work?
in answer to your question no I havn't but I thought you might like to know I saw a new product yesterday that seems promising. They were round balls that you dropped into the tank and they melted slowly allowing good bacteria to leech into the tank and get the filter going. There were quite a few in the box aswell and priced at £9 it seemed reasonable. I saw them a maidenhead aquatics so it might be worth doing an internet search. I'm really sorry though but I can't remember their name now
We have ammonia in our tap water, amongst other nasties. If I put it in the cycled tanks then it drops pretty quickly down to 0. I suspect that the plants help.

Best advice I can give you is to not worry too much about the ammonia in the tap water unless you're keeping very sensitive stock, but to use a dechlorinator that will stabilise ammonia until the filter and plants can eat it all.

As for the ammonia in the tank, when was it measured? Is this before or after a water change? If it's after then it's no great surprise, if it's before then that's concerning. Either the test kit is misreading or you're getting ammonia from somewhere which is bad.
the tank is a 6-8 month old 30 gallon (thus was set up from my 1year old 2ft set up i used everyting from that tank to set the 30 gal up), Lightly planted and the only stock at the mo is 1 marble hatchett,2 neons,1 diamond tetra and a rainbow shark (im taking the rainbow out and the neons as soon as i get chance, should of done it days ago) stocking is low because i lost alot of fish after a bad time with fin rot. Ive been testing the tank for ammonnia daily since i bought the testing kit around 2 weeks ago and it allways reads 0.25ppm

I do water changes once a week 40% this has been my routine since day 1 i only treat the water going in (not the whole tank) with nutrafin aqua plus water conditioner and then i add 15ml of nutrafin plant gro directly to the tank the day after my water change. I feed only a very small amount of pre soaked nutrafin max tropical flake usually every 2 days and i was feeding king british freeze dried b/w but after reading a few things in this forum im unsure how often they can have this as it seems that feeding this regularly can cause problems with the fish so ive stopped feeding b/w alltogether for now.

I want to restock with with 6-8 cardinals, 6-8 marble hatchetts 4-6 diamond tetras and something bottom swimming, i did have a bristle nose but he also died and i want to try something else, any suggestions?
This is what I was talking about this morning
Thanks akasha :) will look now

has anyone tried this product in the above link? more info if poss please
no problem, I try to help where I can :)

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