Clove Oil


Aug 1, 2011
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Thankfully I haven't needed to use it yet but just in case I do, I'd like to know how. Am I right in saying you add 25 drops per litre of tank water,shake it up and add fish?
I read something on it a few days ago but not sure if I've remembered it correctly.
The lethal dose is 25/30 drops a litre.

As it's an oil, you need to shake it in a small amount of water, taken from your litre of tank water, until it becomes a white emulsion, then add that slowly to the rest of the water that your fish is in.

Use an old container, as the clove oil smell clings on for a long time.
It's for euthanising fish :(

It's also used as a fish anaesthetic, so it's just putting them to sleep, basically.
Thanks Fluttermoth! It's good to know in case of an emergency. :good:
nice one i had to do nearly all my stock not long ago i did the old knife to the back of the head.
ive never felt so terrible in all my life but it just needed to be done. :( How long does it take for the clove oil to work?
The fish are unconscious in literally a few seconds. It's recommended that you leave them in the clove oil solution for at least half an hour.
just wanted to add that this stuff stinks really badly. If you use it use a container that you'll never use again for anything else. I put a post the same as this in the tropical discussion section a week or so ago and the best advice I got was to use a fish bag and throw the bag straight in the bin.

I then had to use the clove oil just a few days later for a dying cory. Unfortunately I wasn't very careful with the stuff and yesterday I had to strip my entire kitchen and wash everything just to get rid of the smell. Also make sure you wash your hands really well before you touch anything else as the smell transfers really easily

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