OMG... is it... really....? Yes, I'm updating the Spawn diary!!!
WE HIT THE ONE-MONTH MARK! And, yes, some of them ARE still alive! heh
Looking back on my last post, I have to smack myself. I did add the Dwarf Cory. He was in there for a week doing perfectly fine, the bottom was totally cleaned of BBS eggs and the babies were happy. Then, on Saturday morning, I woke up to find an empty tank!!! Actually, it looked empty at first glance and I quickly removed Spike (the Corydora)... then, a bunch of fry swam out from the plants =0) so I guess only the smart/big ones survived! I really have no clue why Spike did it, there was plenty of food always in there for him and he seemed content. I know the 200-odd fry that he ate did not die, because they were happy and active the night before. I've been trying to hunt down a friend for Spike, maybe he's lonely? Whatever. Just, PLEASE, if any of you are considering a Cory in your fry tank, be uber careful. I now have around 100 fry... I'm guessing. I counted almost 100 a couple days ago, but I'm sure a bunch were out of sight. I feel really horrible about all of the babies that died, really, really horrible.
All of the surviving fry are eating First Bites and/or tiny bits of frozen Daphnia in the morning and BBS in the afternoon with sporadic MW's and minced up Bloodworms in between, and they're growing all big and strong
! Cleaning the tank every single day is torture, but that's definitely a big part of the job. Actually, I have to go do it now
I'll probably do a large WC on Friday, so then I can tell about how many fry are left. I've seen absolutely no dead fry or poor swimmers. Here's a few pics to update on their size, they might be a little bit behind in growth because of how huge the spawn size was. The first 2 pics are of a 3 week-old hunting for MW's in his Java Fern... the last 2 is their handsome Pops! Can you tell how much I love him?