^_~ Well, the babies almost 3 months old now! Its insaaane how big they are. They're all very healthy, no swim bladder issues or badly nipped fins at all, which I'm grateful for. I have 30 jarred and 50-ish still in the grow-outs doing well, I'd like to jar 10-20 more in the next week and then begin to send them off to their new homes! I have a LOT of marbles and butterflys, much more than I expected. There's only a few solid green boys... I actually love the solids. About 25 of the 30 I have jarred are males, and all but a few of the boys have nice bubblenests going! I'll probably have an adoption thread up within 2 weeks or so, I'm working on a website too.
Here's a few pictures, for your enjoyment! they're really really bad pictures, because my sister has my good camera.
On my last update, the last 2 pictures of the BF/marble boy is the same juvie in these pics! Totally keeping him!!!
My "steel green" boy. Purdy.
BF boy going HM or close to it , could be show quality...
This BF boy is insanely beautiful AND HM, but he's really camera shy xP
Here's a mostly solid green boy, with a little BF, showing off his impressive bubblenest.
CUTE cellophane boy with a moustache, under his little nest... he also only has only one ventral
Probably the cutest marble in this spawn... no, probably the cutest fish e v e r
The whole bunch :0)