Spawn Diary V1 ~ Maui + Kula

That last pic is sooo cute! Baby bettas are just so adorable :wub:
They're soooo adorable and tiny:wub: About how big are they, lengthwise? Where in California are you... I want one of those babies!!!
Oh they're just exquisite! I shouldn't be online at all . . . I have three essays and a test next week, and that's a light week for me lately :lol: But I'm so glad I did peek- they cheered me right up :wub: Thank you so much for posting the pics!
^_^ Thanks for the nice comments, you guys!! I won't be able to post any clear pics anytime soon, because all of the kids are now in the grow-out which is a tupperware that I canNOT take pics through :(... when I start jarring, there will be plenty of updates. I've seen a few little tiffs beginning right when they got to the bigger tank, so jarring might not be too far off!

Nino, I live near Sacramento... but, Santa Cruz would probably take just 1 day express so it's not a horrible trip for a Betta to make. I'd love for you to have one of my babies! I roughly measured one of the large fry at just over 1/2", not including the whole caudal. internet FINALLY got back up! THEY ARE ADORABLE! I'm so ecstatic, although shipping will be a lot, I think I can handle it! :lol:

One question though, you may have to *hold* mine, because the weather right now IS HORRID, and I don't want the babies to be stuck in anything horrible! :X
I thought I'd update this thing... because it's SO old :fun:

:rolleyes: I never thought I would say this, but my fry are ridiculously nice to each other. They are 9 weeks old today... and NO ONE has even remotely shown the need to be jarred. They're so civil with each other, I've witnessed 3 or 4 little spats, but they ended in no nipping or chasing at all. There are also quite a few shrimpy guys, who are never ever picked on. I'd say the medium-sized fry are the bossiest, because my big fry are super laid back. I've seen no fin damage at alllll, and I haven't had a single death for... longer than I can remember.

So, I was thinking my fry are just not developing very quickly. Either that, or they're extraordinarily nice. I seriously was not expecting this, based on the bvtching personalities of both of their parents! I was thinking of jarring the largest fry, but I would much rather they benefit from a big, heated, filtered tank. So I was planning on moving 10-15 large fry into the empty 10 gallon tank so that they can get bigger, be easily monitored, and leave the smaller fry in the big grow-out with a better chance at growth. Wish me luck with that! I brought 4 of the fry to my Econ class today for my business project presentating thingyer, and everyone loved them. Lyk 20 people said they wanted to make a deposit for a Betta. However, I'm super reluctant to even trust my friends with them... they're still stupid high school kids, and I cannot put fighting Bettas past them -_-. The babies are ALL doing very well! They definitely survived their first trip without a scratch on them.

Here's a few pics... I removed one of the babies because he had a severe swim bladder issue. After a few days isolated with several small meals, he's healthy and back in the big tank. The other, bigger guy, I removed because he appeared to have tail damage - but his tail looked perfect, upon closer inspection. You can tell the huge color differences between these two fry! I have 10 or so fry that are gorgeous dark aquamarine, several showing marble patterns, and they all vary in color from blue-ish green, to lime green, to emerald green. The larger fry are really coloring up, and some of them have started showing their BF pattern with a little white fringe on their fins. :wub: They're the cutestest!


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They are gorgeous :wub:

Good to hear they are still all getting along. Mine did fine till 9 weeks old and then all hell broke loose when the testosterone kicked in :lol:
:sick: Joby... I swear, you jinxed me! Today, I was checking in on my little angels, and out of NOWHERE one fry turned deep steel blue. I was like, "awww, changing colors!". Then, he/she got really prominent breeding bars and I noticed he/she turned into psycho-fry all over the place... and all of a sudden a few more darkened and showed breeding bars (or what look to be breeding bars) and started picking on each other. :look: I think this is the beginning of the end.

I have not jarred anyone yet, because after I fed them everyone seemed fine, no more spazzy breeding bar battles. WTF. I'm so in for it.
Well, I decided to go ahead and jar the first 5, and see how that goes. So far, their temps are at 76* and they're all colored up. They actually seem more active and colorful in their own 1 gals, next to each other. I've gotten a few better pics recently... they're REALLY growing up! I was wrong last time, though. They're now 9 weeks old, going on 10 weeks on Monday.

The last 2 pictures are of my favorite guy, so far. He is the first boy I jarred, I lurve him! He looks just like Maui and he's very fiesty... I'm thinking of keeping him, especially since he appears to have a slightly curved spine, so I couldn't auction him. He has a nice green BF pattern showing, and maybe some marbling??


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awww your babies are growing up :D

They do look very familiar lol so I hope you get a good selection of colours and patterns in there :)

I love marble BF's too :wub:

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