You Know You're A Fish Keeper When...

You know your a fishkeeper when... Your in the garden looking for earthworms to chop up and feed your Discus :sick:

Anita're looking at houses to buy, and 'no room for fish tanks' is a perfectly good reason to axe it.

Sadly true. :X
you guys are nuts...

lol jk. lessee...
you get a friend to take care of your tank when you go on vacation, and you come back to find it in ruins, and you go and pee on his car.

you go on vacation in china and every city you go to, you visit the fish stores

then, even though it wont work in the states, you still buy a ton of cheap stuff

you run filters with a 220V to 110V adaptor
You know you are a fish keeper when

the entire LFS knows you personaly and your current stock on each tank

You tell silly fish jokes and BURST at the punch line while no one else gets it (2 fish in a tank, one says to the other, "you drive i'll man the guns!!) not near the responce I looked for, but they were not fish keepers.......

You read through TONS of "you know your a fish keeper when" lines to see which ones apply to you.....(ugh, i've been here for a while, lol)
...when you find fish food and air stones in your clean cloths/bed

...when the highlight of your week is looking around when you go to get feeders

...when you have so many extra filters and heaters than you know where to put them

...when you figure out how to pull off overstocking a tank
when you are at disney world for a week with your best friends, riding on space mountain and all you can think about is OMG... I HOPE MY MOM DOESNT KILL MY FISH...

when you come home the first thing you do is run and inspect your tanks.

when a fish dies you want to cry.

when you come home from disney and find black brush algae all over your plants you cry.

instead of doing much needed studying you stare at your fish tanks.

you have to be escorted out of walmart after you argue with the staff that doesnt know squatt about fish keeping. (NO ONE EVER BUY FISH AT WALMART AND I CAN DIE PEACEFULLY)

when your local big als (my fav fish store ever, i havent found another that can compare) ask you if you want a job.

when you pack all your fish medicines/ chemicals alone into a box it weighs over 20 pounds.

when you cant find a fish store thats any better than walmart, you decide to open your own ( once i have enough money of course. )

you stop reading half of your how to set up a freshwater fishtank books because you memorized them.

you stop reading some of your fish books because you find you know more than the book, and have to say outloud whats wrong with it.

you find yourself becoming attracted to someone because they like fish.

when all of your friends would rather have you move their fishtanks than professionals.

All true. :] wow i could go on forever!
You know more than clerks in your LFS and butt in on converations between fish clerks and customers to point out that the clerk was wrong.

This is not normal behaviour? :lol:

You know your a fish keeper when your mates start talking bout their 125's(Motorbikes) you wonder how your penguin filter is going.

You know your a fish keeper when your bank balance is flat(working 20 hrs a week) due to transfers to Water World Aquarium(my LFS).

You know your a fish keeper when you can identify platy sex from 2 weeks old.
when you realize you've been sitting perfectly still in the dark for 2 hours, just trying to get a glimpse of a nocternal fish.

when someone asks you about a cut on you hand and you wonder why they think it's odd to have moray bites

you don't think it's odd that the boyfriend will only pick a new house if it has the potential for a fish house.

when you go to the supermarket and instead of thinking mmmm king prawns you think my fish would love those.

when your son at the age of 4 starts correcting the lfs staff.
You start to look thoughtfully at anything that can (or could, with a little modification) hold water

You spend your spare time absent mindedly making gadgets you'll never use, but are fun anyway

You spend 80% of your net time on here, 10% on Wikihow etc. correcting people and the rest of the time doing Fishbase searches

The sole purpose of going to a LFS is to see whether they have any fish you don't know what they are so you can remedy that when you get home
besides glass/plastic... is there really anything to keep fish in -_-

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