You Know You're A Fish Keeper When...

You know your a fish-keeper when your in the bath looking at yours toes and they remind you of FISH!! :blush:

Also, you get tempted to turn your bath into an inside pond and just use your shower of personal hygiene!!
when youve just spent 20 mins reading a "i know im a fish keeper when post"
....when your dad builds a nice swimming pool in his backyard, and all you can think is, "what a waste, that would make such a GREAT fish pond!"
u know ur a fish keeper if u try and pay ur dad electricity so u can get a new big tank.
too right, i glued the light switches closed with a hot glue gun in the house because my perents are very electricity orientated and then went to the lfs while they were out and bought a tank... :good: :p
when you wake up thinking how great it would be to be a cory :rolleyes:
You know you're a fishkeeper when...

You buy 3 ots on the Saturday, can't find 1 after 3 hours of looking on the Monday, go cold all over, realising that you vaccuumed the gravel that morning, compare the size of the hose to a remaining oto and find that its bigger...then dash outside to rake through your plant pots becasue that's where you poured the dirty water. Luckily, the missing oto was in fact just hiding. Phew!!

Same week. We had a 4.5 hour power cut. Paced up and down checking the temperature every half hour, then by 2.5 hours of no filter, began 'whisking' the surface of the water (trying not to hit any nosy fish) because I was worried that the otos would not survive if the oxygen levels were poor! Glad to report that all well despite my ministrations!!

(Newbie fishkeeper- but pretty hooked already huh!)
You explain to your parents what ich is
"Yo 'Ma, We got Ick in the 90" (90 gallon tank)
"What the @#$* is ick?"
"It's like a really, really bad case of acne for fish. We need to buy some meds"
"Yea, for you"

(Actually happened)
You know when you're a fishkeeper:
When the first stop you make when you go to the mall is the fish store.
When your kids refuse to eat fish anymore because their fish will be mad at them. (my daughter refuses to eat any fish now )
When you spring clean in the middle of winter just to get more tank room.
you look at the shed outside and try to figure out how much it will cost to insulate, and install electricity so you can have more tanks.
You know when you are a fishkeeper when:

Your living room carpet has a constant damp patch on it.

You sit in front of your tank making fish faces at it's occupants.

You have your camera constantly ready by the tank.

And your wife doesn't believe that this WILL be the last tank.

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