You Know You're A Fish Keeper When...

You have a glass box with fish swimmng in it :D

yes, you think youre clever but some bright spark has already come up with that one a few pages back :p lol
...When you respond to posts like this.
...When your post count is >25.

Hold on.... -_-
You know you're a fish keeper when:

* You have to rinse sand out of the bath before you can get in.

* You've missed washing your hair on any occasion because there was a scummy dead filter sitting in your sink.

* You actually spent money on bits of wood off Ebay.

* You've boiled a rock.

You know you're a plec keeper when:

* The local food store suspects you're some kind of pervert because you buy three cucumbers a day. Every day.
You deal with a bathtub that is plugged up with gravel for 2 weeks until coming up with the idea to shop-vac it out (for fear of apartment management getting mad)

A bottle of dechlorinator is in the shower, right next to the shampoo.

The only date night you have is when you and your honey go to the lfs to drool.

It's a relaxing night at home, and the two of you are browsing the same forums about fish.
oops here's another You here of a going out of business sale everything 75% off and you show up before the stores open the day of the sale with the neighbors van to help haul away your goodies.

You know you're a fishkeeper when:

Your family has to check every bottle in the fridge carefully to make sure they're not about to pour bloodworms on their cereal.

You celebrate your fishes' birthdays, or at least the day you purchased them. (It's true - I have had Rio for exactly one year as of yesterday :D)

You have visited your LFS to buy a single rock.

You have returned two days later to buy another rock.

You have stayed up until your eyes were sore, just to watch your fish and see if they liked said rock.

All true for me. :p
When every cupboard in the house is full of old buckets
when a new fishtank is a much mroe sensible investment than a fridge freezer...... meh we only wanted the fridge freezer to fit more frozen bloodworms in anyway :rolleyes:
You know your a fish keeper when... You learn Latin just so you aren't misheard.
You know your a fish keeper when... You wonder if an "i" or another vowel will look nice on your last name.
You know your a fish keeper when... You can out "MacGyver" a pothead at a Home Depot.
You know your a fish keeper when... You can out "MacGyver" a pothead at a Home Depot.

I like that one...
You know your a fish keeper when...
You go to a nice hotel for your sisters weddingand you suggest they put a koi pond in
... when you move your whole room around to accomodate the tank!

...and seriously condised if a move to Spain is a good idea or not (COULD I TAKE THE TANK AND FISH?) :lol:
You know you're a fish keeper when:
* You actually spent money on bits of wood off Ebay.

* You've boiled a rock.

You know you're a plec keeper when:

* The local food store suspects you're some kind of pervert because you buy three cucumbers a day. Every day.
:lol: I really liked these!

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