You Know You're A Fish Keeper When...

you know your a fishkeeper when you will drive more than 100 (each way) miles to pick up a fish

you edited and added "each way"...
now that is a dedicated fishkeeper...
what fish is it if i may ask?

i have dirven to rotterdam from london twice to pick up my rays 280 miles each way and accross 3 countrys and under the sea on the euro tunnel

thank god for sat nav
When your suppposed to be arranging a meeting for tommorow morning but your on here instead :good:
• When you go hungry so your fish can have that third meal a day
• When you name your feeder guppies (Curly, Larry and Moe)
• When your fish open their mouths, you can sware they're talking to each other
• When fish open their mouths, you think of what they'd talk about to each other
• Once you notice those unsightly gills on the sides of your head :lol: :lol:
When the guy in the fish shop knows the name of your favourite fish
When you worry that the guy in the fish shop thinks your stalking him... but still can't resist going in for a browse
When you blow kisses back at your fish (they ARE blowing me kisses through the glass! hey ARE!)
You know you're a fishkeeper when
not only do angels have nothing to do with heaven but:

a ram is not a sheep
a cat is not a feline
a cockatoo is not a bird
your puffer does not contain Ventolin
the merry widow is not an operetta
the bleeding heart is not a devotional picture
your discus is not for throwing
you'd never think of looking out of the window to see a rainbow
your tinfoil does not reside in the kitchen drawer
you don't go to the hospital to get your x-rays
you think nothing of talking scat in polite company
all your penguins come from the tropics
and none of your pandas eat bamboo
You know you're a fishkeeper when
not only do angels have nothing to do with heaven but:

a ram is not a sheep
a cat is not a feline
a cockatoo is not a bird
your puffer does not contain Ventolin
the merry widow is not an operetta
the bleeding heart is not a devotional picture
your discus is not for throwing
you'd never think of looking out of the window to see a rainbow
your tinfoil does not reside in the kitchen drawer
you don't go to the hospital to get your x-rays
you think nothing of talking scat in polite company
all your penguins come from the tropics
and none of your pandas eat bamboo

Ha, Ha! Good ones
you know youre a fishkeeper when..

you play the " that cloud looks like " game and you keep saying " no , really guys - that cloud is a balloon molly if i ever saw one" :D
When you don't need the color chart for your test kit because you memorized what every color means.

When you memorized how to do every single test in your test kit.
You know you're a fish keeper when every twig, stump, or branch in the forest is a potential centerpiece for your new Tank Journal on the forum.

........or when you leave the local LFS disgusted, thinking, "God, I should open my own shop."

........when you walk in to your apartment and it smells like a pet store :nod:
You know you're a fish keeper when:

You wonder what your tank looks like from the inside out.

Your friends know all of your fish by name.

You spend more time researching and observing your tank then being with your kids.

Someone mentions water and you think about your next partial.

You can't go to sleep because you just set up a new tank.

You start sharing pictures of your tank with strangers on the internet!

You want to slap someone for naming your clown fish "Nemo."

You find yourself in a lfs and don't know how you got there.

Someone mentions algae and you immediately think of your own fuge.

Wow, and I'm guilty of most of these! lol

You know you're a fish keeper when:

You wonder what your tank looks like from the inside out.

urm yeah, i ruined a perfectly good web cam trying that find out that one. am in the middle of preparing another attempt lol

you know you are a fish keeper when:

you miss half of Radio 1 big weekend cos its water change n tank maintenence day.

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