Another couple of questions - I know I ask so many, sorry.
I have noticed lots of little air bubbles on the back wall where there appears to be red (think its the start to coraline)
Nah, that sounds like cyano, can you increase the flow and change the rowa? How much are you feeding at the moment
are the bubbles a good sign? Also, I have noticed a patch of sand with brown on it, I know this is caused by it not being moved etc. well thats one reason to it anyway, so what are the options to remove this? just move the sand and it will be ok and hopefully one of my snails will keep turning it, or will I need to get some more CUC? however I am debating about a goby/blenny - well I will definatly be getting one, im thinking about a watchman - there beautiful. do they turn sand and move it about?
They certainly do change/move the sand but i would get a few more nass or ceriths, how many you actually got?
Just checked and my toadstool is sulking, I moved him because of it and noticed a starfish on it so I removed the starfish, dropped it in the tank and noticed the toadstool had a small little hole in the corner of his head, like somthings took a bite in it. Are toadstools known for this or has the starfish or somthing else been eating it?
Toadstools are like naught school boys, sulk at teh slightest thing
it is very strange that you seem to be noticing holes in the muchies after the star fish have been on them, i'm wandering if something else is eating the toadstool and the stars are just eating the bits that are dying off