Work in Progress

Ok, been playing with the wood bits and I think i've decided on what's going where :)

Tank as of 19/08/04:

Wooden cave:

Wooden Tower:

The tetras are such picture hogs :D
The Water has gone a bit cloudy with the moving of the decor but should settle down soon. power tools arrived today so i can get on with building the cabinet & hood :thumbs:
Another update:

Just been moving decor around to try and create special areas for the different fish, got a few new plants in there as well.
I cant wait till I get more tanks and can make a planted tank just like yours. BTW when are the Discus coming in? What strains do you want to get? I think im going to get wilds because it will make the tank have a bit more of a natural look.
I have two guys who breed them at separate LFS's so when the tanks ready it will depend on who has what. I want a mix preferably so that if i can get some to breed i can get more for the offspring as there will be some combinations of the parents colour as well as true copies.
i might be starting a discus tank up, my uncle dosent want his 80 gallon anymore, so i said i would have it ... :D thereis only 2 tiny neons in there , after he stopped looking after it he fish died..

yea, all i have to get is a canister filter and maybe a new heater plus some plants casue it already has sand and some large pieces of wood in it. But i have to get it past my mum lol she reckons that my other 80 gallon is enough, but u can never have enough fish tanks unless u own a aquarium shop lol

but aquascaper your tank is lookin great and im glad you and florida are sharing your work with us... gives us a insite into different peoples dreams lol

i think thats enough
Another update :)

Just finished planting the tank (might possibly put in some more Vallis at a later date)

Full Tank:

Right-hand Side:

Left-hand Side:

Full Tank (again):

I'm really pleased with the way it's come together - now to get the woodwork finished.
Thanks FFG :D

I've just been speaking to my parents and found out that they used to be really into fishkeeping when i was little :hyper: (i kind of remember them having a tank).
They had marine and tropical and still have a load of equipment in storage at their house :D
They're goning to dig it all out and send it to me so i can convert my 30g tropical into a marine tank :thumbs:

Happy days :D
This is a wonderful tank progression! You are going to have a lovely set up when you and finished and I believe that any discus that you bring home will be very happy that you picked it.

Another update :)

Had a shuffle around of the wood, plants and slate as it didn't look quite right.



and i promise that after payday i will have the lid and sides finished :*)
Looks excellent! If you dont mind me asking what did you pay for the slate? :D
Also what is the little plant you have either side of the tank at the base of the wood, Java Fern?

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