Work in Progress

i am surprized that the sand hasnt collapsed ur gonna wanna make sure its braced and tippy because think of all the weight that has to hold!!!
Erm, this is not my first tank so i am well aware of the weight implications :)

Currently the tank & contents weigh around 265kg, the stand has been designed to hold 350kg so there is still a lot of leeway. You can't see but each time weight is added the stand gets braced and eventually the stand will be clad in softwood panneling so it will all be hidden.

Bunjiweb, do you have any ideas of what cichlids would be ok with discus?
Butterfly cichlids (rams) would probably be fine. Sorry, I'm just a big fan of rams . . . :D

Any apistos would not bother the discus; cockatoos are getting popular these days too.

But I think Discuss are beautiful enough alone too. :)
Another update:

Just been shopping and got some Hozelok connectors to help my water changing. Now i can just disconnect the outflow pipe and put it in a bucket to empty water from the tank, then when i want to refill the tank i can connect the yellow hose up and suck the 'new' water out of another bucket straight into the filter. The connectors have automatic shut-off valves in them so when they are disconnected they close which means no need for a tap or additional valve.


Also got a new piece of wood which is a massive cave complete with skylight :p Had to move the slate around and when i get plants i will decide on the final positions


Wood cave
Forgot to mention that the tank has been running for 4 days and i've already got Nitrates :D

Don't you just love having pre-cycled filter media :p
and the paperweight just glows when the lights are off? thats cool.

looks great!
That's really awesome; sounds like you're putting together a great set-up. Hopefully you can see the cave easily enough even though it's in the center of the wood.
This is how it's looking at the moment. Sorry for the poor lighting but i'm real short of money this month and can't afford to finish the hood + light just yet :(
Looking good so far. :nod: What do you have in there? Neons? -_- Is it cycled?
I cycled it within 4 days using established gravel and filter media from my other tanks.
At the moment there's only 9 neon tetras (one escaped?) and 3 juvenile clown loaches (about 2").
I really wanted clown loaches and after a lot of umming and ahhing with my LFS owner who breeds Discus we decided that 3 would be ok as long as there's enough places for they to play so they won't disturb the Discus.
With that massive wood cave there will be no problems with hiding places :D
Just got a light for the tank. Luckily I got a nice £20 tip from a customer the other day so it was straight down to the LFS :D
Still no hood :( but some good parents are getting me a table mounted mitre saw and a router as a (very) belated xmas present so lots of fun woodworking ahead :D
Aquascaper when I get more tanks and make the Discus tank I have now into a planted tank im gonna get you to come over and decorate it for me lol. Your tank is looking awesome. I think im alittle far ahead of you in the fish area because im getting them this week but you are definatly farther in the decorating because im doing none.

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