Yes, I have been considering a lid to at least put on when I am not in the room. I can probably have the local glass shop cut me one or just get the D&D like you suggested. How much risk of a jump out do you think there is with the species I have chosen? Could I replace anything with another species to lower the risk? I will be doing floating plants but, only planned to cover maybe 1/3rd of the surface due to the centerpiece fish I chose being a labarynth fish(Honey Gourami).
Yes, it definitely affects the look of the tank as you can no longer see down into it(one of the biggest advantages) and it also can hurt the lights efficiency. The upsides are plentiful too however(fish jump prevention, dust, lint and pet hair guard, much less evaporation, etc.) so I am really going to have to think about this. I will look into that Fluval, thanks

Yes, the Biomaster Thermal 250 and 350 are already on my short list. I am in Canada though so Fluval is definitely the better option for price, availability, and any warranty issues. That said, I still may cave and get an Oase. I love the built in heater but, there are several inline heaters available on the market and it is pretty easy to build a DIY one for test tube style like the Eheims. Still weighing the pros and cons of each path... Time will tell...
Yes, I will keep it simple too at first with an all in one. But, I will learn to use individual nutrients too as every tank is different and you can get better results by micromanaging particularily the macros(NPK) to suit your particular tank. An all in one means you get the same macros every dose even if you don't need any Nitrogen for instance. Or, if you have an iron deficiency you have to either overdose the other macros to fix it or buy an iron booster anyway. Powdered raw fertilizer is also way, way cheaper then premade products(even if you go with an aquarium companies pre-packaged option) and you can mix your own all in one blend yourself that perfectly matches your particular tanks requirements. I also like to make things complicated as that is half the fun in complicated hobbies to me lol.
Yes, I would definitely love to own one of Takashi Amanos tanks(the dream tank) but, they are pricey and my budget is limited at present time. But, I'm looking into all options. I will check out WIO too, thanks. As for home built, I have never built a tank but, I am a skilled tradesman(in several fields including cabinet making and working with glass tile) with over 25 years of experience so, I think it would be a piece of cake. That said, it is still risky doing anything the first time and I will likely buy the tank premade at least as the thought of 50 gallons of water in my living room is not very appealing lol. If I do attempt it, roger on the glass thickness(most tanks in this size use 10mm).
Thanks for all of your help Wills
