Recommendations for new tank

No rush with the tank, I'm just in research model trying to plan it. I've been reading about stock a lot.

Current stock:

Mollies - 1F Black Molly
Platys - I have 1M & 1F adult & 6 Fry
{4 neon tetra will be returned as unsuited to 307ppm hard water}

Absolutely must have:
Albino Bristlenose Pleco (would like 2 or one & another similar fish)

Orange Cockatoo Cichlid
Acei Cichlid
Cherry Barbs
Red-line Torpedo Barb

I think these are nice but probably not suited:

Nanus Cory Cat
Sparkling Gourami
Red line torpedo barbs need a 4 foot tank minimum, I'm afraid. The water is a bit too hard for cockatoo cichlids. Acei cichlids are from Lake Malawi and Rift Lake cichlids are usually kept only with other fish from the same lake.

Cherry barbs are good though :)

A couple of hard water fish to look at
Good choice on the Albino BNP! Great fish, lost of personality.

I must give you a warning though... they do swim really fast and they like to dig up plants (mine doesn’t, but I have heard of other people’s plecos doing so) and dig in the substrate.

The best heater I have is an “Interpet 5g - 15g heater”, which fits a 29g tank perfectly. It is also fully submersible.

You may have already decided on one, I just wanted to throw mine out there. :)
Good choice on the Albino BNP! Great fish, lost of personality.

I must give you a warning though... they do swim really fast and they like to dig up plants (mine doesn’t, but I have heard of other people’s plecos doing so) and dig in the substrate.

The best heater I have is an “Interpet 5g - 15g heater”, which fits a 29g tank perfectly. It is also fully submersible.

You may have already decided on one, I just wanted to throw mine out there. :)

I'll check the heater out. I'm leaning towards vertical heater so it'll be easy to adjust temp.

Nothing is set yet but the tank as it's perfect size! I'm not going to order anything until I'm sure I can make a lid for it. Otherwise my kid will start throwing his dragons in :eek:
Nice to see this tank, brings back memories for me as I had exactly the same tank, 3 foot ClearSeal tank.

It’s actually a really good bare tank to start with and lots of options for this.

First, I used a Fluval C3 hang on back filter that worked really well, I put this on the side of the tank, fits nicely and you can adjust flow to suit and I filled it with my choice of media and filter floss which I changed every week (the floss not the sponge or bio media) to help clean the water column.

Took screenshot from eBay just to show you which filter I speak of, a little pricey but worth it.


Of course does not need to be Fluval or even a hang on back filter, just a suggestion to let you know what I used ;)

For heating I had a Fluval E series heater, very easy to adjust heating and also on the LCD it lights green on display for normal heat, blue for too cold and red when too warm so easy to see readings on that so that gave lots of peace of mind, a bit more pricey for that but I got that one free anyway due to a offer from Amazon luckily but really do recommend that though.

But I did have another ClearSeal tank and as it happens I did have a AquaEl flat black heater as you showed in earlier post, fairly easy to adjust heating as its a dial type adjustment thing so that was perfect for that tank as I had a black background on rear tank glass so it kinds of blends in the heater but my plants hid the heater eventually anyway!

Two recommended choices there!

Light was a over tank unit with 2x T8 tube lights, great lights but now you can get much more energy efficient LED lights that will do just as good if not better at plant growths.

As for stocking, I too had fairly hard water, and I had threadfin rainbow fish in the smaller ClearSeal tank, lovely fish to observe especially the males flaring their fins.

The 3 foot had, despite having hard water from tap at ph of 8.0 but in this tank the ph was around 7.2-7.5 due to substrate, lots of bogwood and lots of plants and the stocking consisted of CPD, Lambchop rasboras (Trigonostigma espei), black bar endlers and a whiptail catfish (Rineloricaria sp.), Amano shrimps, Red Cherry Shrimps and loads of MTS snails.


Lovely tank that was.
(Closed it down and sold tank, light, plants and equip as job lot for a very good price due to moving house)

Oh just remembered, you mentioned adding Perspex for tank cover, not a bad idea but at 3mm, I’ve tried that on a different tank as a lid cover and it eventually bends upwards at edges due to heat of tank and lights etc, even with holes into it to let oxygen exchange take place. Would try thicker Perspex at least 6mm, or glass might be better.
Beautiful tank @Ch4rlie! Do you have a journal or something where you name all of the plants? Awesome tank. :wub:
Nice to see this tank, brings back memories for me as I had exactly the same tank, 3 foot ClearSeal tank.

It’s actually a really good bare tank to start with and lots of options for this.

First, I used a Fluval C3 hang on back filter that worked really well, I put this on the side of the tank, fits nicely and you can adjust flow to suit and I filled it with my choice of media and filter floss which I changed every week (the floss not the sponge or bio media) to help clean the water column.

Took screenshot from eBay just to show you which filter I speak of, a little pricey but worth it.

View attachment 114488

Of course does not need to be Fluval or even a hang on back filter, just a suggestion to let you know what I used ;)

For heating I had a Fluval E series heater, very easy to adjust heating and also on the LCD it lights green on display for normal heat, blue for too cold and red when too warm so easy to see readings on that so that gave lots of peace of mind, a bit more pricey for that but I got that one free anyway due to a offer from Amazon luckily but really do recommend that though.

But I did have another ClearSeal tank and as it happens I did have a AquaEl flat black heater as you showed in earlier post, fairly easy to adjust heating as its a dial type adjustment thing so that was perfect for that tank as I had a black background on rear tank glass so it kinds of blends in the heater but my plants hid the heater eventually anyway!

Two recommended choices there!

Light was a over tank unit with 2x T8 tube lights, great lights but now you can get much more energy efficient LED lights that will do just as good if not better at plant growths.

As for stocking, I too had fairly hard water, and I had threadfin rainbow fish in the smaller ClearSeal tank, lovely fish to observe especially the males flaring their fins.

The 3 foot had, despite having hard water from tap at ph of 8.0 but in this tank the ph was around 7.2-7.5 due to substrate, lots of bogwood and lots of plants and the stocking consisted of CPD, Lambchop rasboras (Trigonostigma espei), black bar endlers and a whiptail catfish (Rineloricaria sp.), Amano shrimps, Red Cherry Shrimps and loads of MTS snails.

View attachment 114492

Lovely tank that was.
(Closed it down and sold tank, light, plants and equip as job lot for a very good price due to moving house)

Oh just remembered, you mentioned adding Perspex for tank cover, not a bad idea but at 3mm, I’ve tried that on a different tank as a lid cover and it eventually bends upwards at edges due to heat of tank and lights etc, even with holes into it to let oxygen exchange take place. Would try thicker Perspex at least 6mm, or glass might be better.

This is brilliant, thank you! With the filter sitting on the back I'd need to cut space in the perspex? I'm gonna watch some videos and see which I can likely build without wrecking the place. I'm really excited about the tank. Lots of research but it'll be so nice to put together.

Can shrimp live with Plecos? Cause they are very cute :wub:
My very first tank as a kid had a faulty heater that fried all my fish over night. So heaters freak me out a bit. I'll check out those you've linked. I have my heater horizontal but I find this kind of affects my plant layout.
Said I was funny about heaters. Yes I have had that experience too, with a big brand expensive heater. This is what I do for peace of mind

I have that exact setup in all 4 tanks. It also allows me to feel safer when using cheap heaters as I know the catastrophic event (failure to turn off) is covered.
Oh just remembered, you mentioned adding Perspex for tank cover, not a bad idea but at 3mm, I’ve tried that on a different tank as a lid cover and it eventually bends upwards at edges due to heat of tank and lights etc, even with holes into it to let oxygen exchange take place. Would try thicker Perspex at least 6mm, or glass might be better.
That's a valid point. Mine is 3mm and does bend up at the edges. For now I am countering it by flipping it over every week but may do something different long term.
Charlie. Can that filter be hung internally in the tank? I’m not sure what that types called? Mine hangs on the back but internally with water drawn in the bottom and dribbled back out at the top. The top inch or so being above the water level.
I think I’ll need a new one soon as this hasn’t been right from new. Mass gurgling and loud grinding noises ever three of four days whic is only cured by removing from tank and emptying of any water inside.
Nice to see this tank, brings back memories for me as I had exactly the same tank, 3 foot ClearSeal tank.

It’s actually a really good bare tank to start with and lots of options for this.

First, I used a Fluval C3 hang on back filter that worked really well, I put this on the side of the tank, fits nicely and you can adjust flow to suit and I filled it with my choice of media and filter floss which I changed every week (the floss not the sponge or bio media) to help clean the water column.

Took screenshot from eBay just to show you which filter I speak of, a little pricey but worth it.

View attachment 114488

Of course does not need to be Fluval or even a hang on back filter, just a suggestion to let you know what I used ;)

For heating I had a Fluval E series heater, very easy to adjust heating and also on the LCD it lights green on display for normal heat, blue for too cold and red when too warm so easy to see readings on that so that gave lots of peace of mind, a bit more pricey for that but I got that one free anyway due to a offer from Amazon luckily but really do recommend that though.

But I did have another ClearSeal tank and as it happens I did have a AquaEl flat black heater as you showed in earlier post, fairly easy to adjust heating as its a dial type adjustment thing so that was perfect for that tank as I had a black background on rear tank glass so it kinds of blends in the heater but my plants hid the heater eventually anyway!

Two recommended choices there!

Light was a over tank unit with 2x T8 tube lights, great lights but now you can get much more energy efficient LED lights that will do just as good if not better at plant growths.

As for stocking, I too had fairly hard water, and I had threadfin rainbow fish in the smaller ClearSeal tank, lovely fish to observe especially the males flaring their fins.

The 3 foot had, despite having hard water from tap at ph of 8.0 but in this tank the ph was around 7.2-7.5 due to substrate, lots of bogwood and lots of plants and the stocking consisted of CPD, Lambchop rasboras (Trigonostigma espei), black bar endlers and a whiptail catfish (Rineloricaria sp.), Amano shrimps, Red Cherry Shrimps and loads of MTS snails.

View attachment 114492

Lovely tank that was.
(Closed it down and sold tank, light, plants and equip as job lot for a very good price due to moving house)

Oh just remembered, you mentioned adding Perspex for tank cover, not a bad idea but at 3mm, I’ve tried that on a different tank as a lid cover and it eventually bends upwards at edges due to heat of tank and lights etc, even with holes into it to let oxygen exchange take place. Would try thicker Perspex at least 6mm, or glass might be better.
Nice to see this tank, brings back memories for me as I had exactly the same tank, 3 foot ClearSeal tank.

It’s actually a really good bare tank to start with and lots of options for this.

First, I used a Fluval C3 hang on back filter that worked really well, I put this on the side of the tank, fits nicely and you can adjust flow to suit and I filled it with my choice of media and filter floss which I changed every week (the floss not the sponge or bio media) to help clean the water column.

Took screenshot from eBay just to show you which filter I speak of, a little pricey but worth it.

View attachment 114488

Of course does not need to be Fluval or even a hang on back filter, just a suggestion to let you know what I used ;)

For heating I had a Fluval E series heater, very easy to adjust heating and also on the LCD it lights green on display for normal heat, blue for too cold and red when too warm so easy to see readings on that so that gave lots of peace of mind, a bit more pricey for that but I got that one free anyway due to a offer from Amazon luckily but really do recommend that though.

But I did have another ClearSeal tank and as it happens I did have a AquaEl flat black heater as you showed in earlier post, fairly easy to adjust heating as its a dial type adjustment thing so that was perfect for that tank as I had a black background on rear tank glass so it kinds of blends in the heater but my plants hid the heater eventually anyway!

Two recommended choices there!

Light was a over tank unit with 2x T8 tube lights, great lights but now you can get much more energy efficient LED lights that will do just as good if not better at plant growths.

As for stocking, I too had fairly hard water, and I had threadfin rainbow fish in the smaller ClearSeal tank, lovely fish to observe especially the males flaring their fins.

The 3 foot had, despite having hard water from tap at ph of 8.0 but in this tank the ph was around 7.2-7.5 due to substrate, lots of bogwood and lots of plants and the stocking consisted of CPD, Lambchop rasboras (Trigonostigma espei), black bar endlers and a whiptail catfish (Rineloricaria sp.), Amano shrimps, Red Cherry Shrimps and loads of MTS snails.

View attachment 114492

Lovely tank that was.
(Closed it down and sold tank, light, plants and equip as job lot for a very good price due to moving house)

Oh just remembered, you mentioned adding Perspex for tank cover, not a bad idea but at 3mm, I’ve tried that on a different tank as a lid cover and it eventually bends upwards at edges due to heat of tank and lights etc, even with holes into it to let oxygen exchange take place. Would try thicker Perspex at least 6mm, or glass might be better.
Gorgeous tank! Did you use CO2 or low tech?

I recognise the valls, water lettuce and crypts, but is that blyxa japonica at the front in the middle or something else?
Beautiful tank @Ch4rlie! Do you have a journal or something where you name all of the plants? Awesome tank. :wub:

Thanks .

Had to fish around to find the journal I made for this tank, was back in October 2014 when I started that one! time flies! There a lot of waffling from me in that journal I realise now and not all that informative to be honest :blush:

And as for the plants, I actually remember some and recognise quite a few plants just looking at my photo earlier -

Cryptocoryne wendtii
Cryptocoryne balansae
Crinum calamistratum (one of my favourite plants)
Elodea /Anarcharis (but took these out later when all the other plants started to fill the tank nicely)
Anubia heterophylla
Blyxa japonica
Water lettuce (floating plant)

Theres probably a few more plants that I've forgotten about but that the main bunch that you can see from the photo anyhow.

At least that gives you a few plants to research about and see if you like them.

Charlie. Can that filter be hung internally in the tank? I’m not sure what that types called? Mine hangs on the back but internally with water drawn in the bottom and dribbled back out at the top. The top inch or so being above the water level.

These types of filters are commonly called HOB (Hang on Back), and no you cannot really hang it internally as the water output flows over a small channel to create a sort of waterfall effect which oxgenyates the water and creates flow, the intake is a pipe that hangs inside the tank itself (with a pre sponge filter of course to stop shrimps getting into the filter!) so its not really possible to hang them INSIDE the tank as far as I can see.

That filter is actually a good little HOB filter, kind of regret selling it now but I do recommend them, not particularly noisy, with weekly maintenance and weekly changing of filter floss, it kept the tank water real clean and the flow is adjustable to suit livestock. ............*starting to think I might actually get another one to be honest.....*

Gorgeous tank! Did you use CO2 or low tech?

I recognise the valls, water lettuce and crypts, but is that blyxa japonica at the front in the middle or something else?

No, I did not actually go high tech with Co2 on that particular tank, pretty much a low/med tech set up as the lights were good and I dosed weekly liquid ferts (Tropica Premium) and loads of root tabs (Seachem Flourish tabs) every few months.

And YES, well done for recognising Blyxa japonica, a really neat little foreground plant to fill in blank spaces, really do like this plant and easy to grow, bit of a slow grower but grows nicely though.

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