White Spots On Clown Loach!

Help with stress and the whitespot. Hopefully.
Not even using half dose so hopefully the sensitive fish should handle it. They might act odd when you first add it.
They should settle down. If not dilute it down with a water change.
Table salt fine for short periods of time.
\Make sure you can use salt with esha exit.
I used interpet anti whitespot when I had to deal with whitespot.
Will it do anything for internal parasites, too?
Sorry No.
I would try that wormer plus. Or it's a vet really to prescribe levaimsole. Or Flagyl  Metronidazole
I'll have to have a think! Thanks, wilder!
OK. Good Luck.
I don't mean to question you guys but is it 100% skinny disease and internal parasites? Just to be certain before I make a purchase for medicine. 
Also, had a look for the loach but can't find him anywhere. Started with five, now just down to the two! :( 
He does not look healthy in the pic, and he looks quite thin.
Did he look thin before whitespot struck. 
I don't think so, no. I certainly didn't notice if he did.
Are there any early signs to watch out for where internal parasites are concerned? I haven't seen any of my fish poop, which is a bit odd but maybe that's not a bad thing if it's out so quickly I haven't noticed it. Whenever I've done water changes there's always been a fair amount of waste and none of my fish look bloated. So I haven't noticed any white poo or anything. The loach who passed away nearly a week ago was swimming on it's side which I know is another sign, but I'm just not sure!
That pic did show signs of a very unhealthy clown loach. Looked like skinny disease to me.
These are the signs of internal parasites.
Fish that look really skinny.or bloated.
Sunken in belly.
Bent spine.
Enlarged anus. Red inflamed anus.
Fish spitting food out. Not wanting to eat.
Fish swimming on there sides.
Long stringy white waste, or clear waste.
Worms sticking of the anus.
Not sure about clown loaches and some of the symptoms shown above.
Another link for you.

This is a picture taken from the link of healthy clown loaches.


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I would say there's been enough of the symptoms to warrant buying some worming medication then... with the sideways swimming, spitting out food, and skinny/sunken appearance. 
Out of all the medications listed, which one would you go for if you were me? Waterlife? The wormerplus? Will I be able to use it alongside the esha exit? And by the way, where that's concerned, should I start using full dosage again?
I would use the wormer plus once the whitespot medication has been removed.
If there tolerating half dose try full. But if they act odd for say an hour I would dilute the medication
down with a water change.
Acting odd I mean behaviour like darting. Banging into things in the tank. Heavy breathing, turning up side down.
Crashing on the bottom of the tank.Acting out of there normal behaviour.
OK, thanks wilder! I'll give that a shot. Really appreciate your help.
Their last water change was a week ago today. Even doing a small one can take the medication out of the water, right? It's a pain as they need the medicine but they also need fresh water!
If you have to preform a water change during medication you just add the correct amount of medication back to water removed.
So if say for example remove 2 gallons of water from the tank., just add 2 gallons worth of medication back to the tank.
That makes sense.
List of things I'm going to do: a water change for both tanks. A vacuum in tank two and some medication. I'm also going to remove the plastic plants and give them a wash as I read that the parasites can lay eggs and what not on them. Then I'll have to speak about borrowing some money to get some wormer plus! 
Sounds good to me.
I hope someone lends you the money.
I wish you all the best.. Hope you manage to sort things out. Fish keeping not always easy.
Good Luck.

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