White Spots On Clown Loach!

Oh, right. Would the waterlife treatment I posted above not do the trick?
I was thinking the same using the waterlife med. But not sure oh how much  (Metronidazole) it has in it.
I suppose it worth a try.
Does it even contain any metronidazole? Is metronidazole the only thing I can use?
Waterlife don't list there ingredients. JBL Medications are far better.

Sterazin by waterlife no good as it for flukes.
There is a hole in the head waterlife medication but how good it is I don't know.

I'll check JBL medications out then. Any in particular you recommend? Sorry to be a pain but I'm a bit of an amateur! I really appreciate all the help!
Anything I can do in the meantime? I'll probably have to order it so it may take a few days. I hope my loach can make it. :( Love these fish so much so it hurts me when I fail to give them a good life.
Should I feed them more often? Does that even make a difference? 
JBL Spirohexol 2 -100 ml
You can buy it online. Was trying to find some information on the medication. You should be able to add it to the tank water.
But feeding it to the fish looks far better and more successful.
Anywhere you know where I'll be able to get it fairly cheap?
Cheers! :)
You can buy it on ebay.
Also just read that fish can have a bad reaction to the JBL Medication.
You can't buy Flagyl  (Metronidazole) i In the UK, But a vet might prescribe it if you tell them your clown loaches have skinny disease.

Levaimsole pretty hard to get hold of too.
You could start a thread in Tropical Discussion asking if members have ever been successful in treating skinny disease in clown loaches. Which medication they used in the UK.
Wish I could of helped more .
Good Luck.

For now just try soaking there food in garlic juice. As far as I remember internal parasites don't like it.
You did more than enough to help! :) 
And excellent advice! I'll give that a try! I'm sure they'll appreciate the flavor too.
Here another medication you can get hold of this.
Wormer Plus from Plymouth Discus which contains 'Flubendazole'
There sera nematol but that mainly use for camallanous worms.

Found this for you,
Clown loach do get skinny disease which is caused by intestinal worms. Kusuri do  'wormer plus' which will help.
Cool! Thanks. I'll be sure to check it out... 

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