White Spots On Clown Loach!

Thanks, wilder. Appreciative all the help!
Just had a thought that... I won't be able to use any water conditioner with the esha exit! That's a bugger. Damn. Never thought of that. Don't know whether to add new water now if I can't use water conditioner... the loaches are sensitive to chlorine.
You can preform small water changes without adding water conditioner. How many gallons is your tank?

300 litre.. I wouldn't preform more than 2 gallon. Then again not to sure. As I only did it a few times.
What are your present water stats.
The salt should help the fish out.
By stats do you mean readings? I haven't got any testing equipment... 
Take a sample of your tank water to the LFS for testing and ask then to write the readings down for you.
There not point just changing a small amount of water without water conditioner. It's not going to make much difference.
Do you mean I shouldn't bother with the water change in the big tank then?
If you can't add water conditioner with the esha exit. I wouldn't bother doing a small water change without water conditioner as it not going to make much difference.
Esha exit is completely bio-degradable so it does not remain in the water. I have asked Esha direct about the problem and I have been informed you can use Esha gdex in combination with esha exit both meds at full dose, then half dose (as per instructions) to attack both the internal parasite and the external ich.
Esha gdex Never heard of it before.
A lot of medications make out there wonder cures so i'm dubious. Plus it only treats flukes, and tape worms.
It  sounds  like the wormer plus to me.
I'm unsure of what to do. The esha exit hasn't even worked yet, so will have to see it goes.
I know of the med. but never used it.
Had whitespot once and used interpet anti whitespot, Took 2 treatments and did the job.
I have used esha exit before and I was astounded by the results, 3 days of medication and 90% of the spots had gone, hence why I recommended it. I cannot understand why they are being re-infected unless it is an internal parasite causing the skinniness and the stress is re-infecting with ich, but even it that was the case the ich should have gone by now.  

Totally daft question, where did you get the medication and have you checked the use by date on the cap? although it is strange that the King British treatment did not work either

I have not used gdex myself either, I mailed esha and that is what they recommended as you can mix both medications safely.
Sent him a link to troublesome whitespot. It was a good read. But couldn't put it on the site as it was another forum.
I found it by a search. As I can't understand either why the whitespot still going strong.
Though they do say clown loaches do tend to get it bad.
If you want the link just ask and I will send it to you star4. by PM.
The two clown loaches remaining don't have it bad, certainly not when compared to the previous two, but there are spots still present. Actually, having said that, just went over to the tank as I was typing this and I take that back. They seem to have more spots on them compared to even yesterday. I don't understand how it's possible! The King British medicine that I used in my 100L when that too had an outbreak worked perfectly. There are no spots in that tank at all now, but my loaches in my 300L are still infected. I just don't get it. 
I'll check out the forum, wilder. Thanks.

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