White Spots On Clown Loach!

Fantastic! I'll give it browse! Is it definitely suitable for clown loach use?
Terrific. :( Is it really contagious, do you know?
Thanks for the links! :)
Yes. A fish can get infected by just sucking a fish poo up. Then again I hardly know anything about skinny disease as I have never kept clown loaches.
Best to worm the whole tank to be on the safe side.
Sorry put loose in other reply instead of lose. Couldn't edit my post.
I'll have to have a think about what medication to get...
Sent you a link by PM.
I do think it better to get a vet to prescribe some levaimsole. Seems to be the most mentioned medication for skinny disease in clown loaches.
I put in a teeny tiny little bit of a garlic clove and my loaches and danios went mad over it. Whether they ate it or not, I don't know, but they definitely had some bites and were interested. I'm not sure how to make garlic juice so would feeding them small amounts of pure garlic do any harm?
My skinny loach hasn't made an appearance today. Hope he's still with us!
I have in desperation fed garlic before, no adverse affects so you should be ok, I hope the skinny fella turns up :(. I do feel bad from the first pics there was no sign of skinnying.
Nope, lights are off for the night and there's no signs of the skinny loach and hasn't been all day. Think he's probably passed unfortunately. No sign of any bodies though! 
I cut up little pieces of garlic, put them in a bowl full of tank water and then crushed it up into the liquid. I added some flakes in and soaked them in there and then added them to the tank. The fish seemed to enjoy it and they all ate so hopefully it should help them out a bit.
Still need to find some medication I guess but still don't know where exactly to start or which one to go for. This is so disheartening. The ich STILL hasn't shifted. I don't understand how this it's still going strong. 
I will read the whole thread as I just jumped in as star4 asked about medications for skinny disease.
So I need to start reading. So bear with me.
So you have only been using the esha exit from the 11th May. Are you half dosing?
It can take up to 4 rounds to get rid of whitepot if it's a bad case. Will take longer at half dose.
Have you added any salt.
Do you have any inverts or other sensitive fish in the tank apart from the clown loaches.
Saw that you had already used the garlic. External parasites don't like it either.

You will have to look for the clown loach. He needs removing if he's died.
This is a very good article on whitespot.
I only had to deal with it once too. So this article does help you learn about whitespot.
No I full dosed for the first day (as it's safe for loaches) and I've been half dosing since.
Nope, I haven't added any salt.
In tank: 8 leopard danios, 1 opaline gourmai, 2 (possibly 3) clown loaches, 1 brittlenose pleco
I'll have a look for the missing loach in the morning. 
Thanks. I'll give the article a read.
For now just add one tablespoon of salt to every twenty gallons.
What will that do then? Is it safe for the fish/water? Do I use just common salt?
Sorry for all the questions! This is only my third year of fish keeping and my first with a big 300L so I'm a bit useless! 

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