I'm definitely down to just the two loaches.
Gone from five to two! Oh well, it happens I suppose.
As of yesterday there were still spots on the loaches, I wouldn't say they're filled with them but there are still a fair few. Only seen one of my loaches today and he has one or two spots. I've just put some food in to try and lure the other one out, but nothing. So I could jut ave the one. And the one I do have is sort of hovering at the bottom... he doesn't seem as hyper as they usually are and there's no relaxing on the gravel either. I think at this rate I'm gonna lose them all!
I'm going to say about ordering the wormer plus later today but I don't even know if it'll kill the internal parasites if that's the problem.
I'm also gonna have to call it a day with the white spot medication. The water is a permanent greeny colour and it can't be good for the fish and it's obviously not working as it should be. Plus, a water change is required. It's been over a week and with all the fish waste and medication, it's got to be done.
Really getting disheartened about this. I think it may be the supplier I got the loaches from (Pets at Home... won't be going there again!). I brought my first loach from a different shop last year and aside from the mild outbreak of ich a few weeks ago, he's had no problems. It's so frustrating. I brought the big tank just for him so he could have some buddys but he's still stuck in my 100L! I've grown attatched to him so I'm not moving him until I know it's safe.
And thanks for the PM, wilder! Will check it out!