White Spots On Clown Loach!

I've done water changes in both tanks and added a bit more medicine. If it doesn't clear up within the next few days I'll have to get some esha exit as you said.
Sadly, one of my loaches in my 300L looks like he's struggling to swim. He's swimming at the bottom sort of sideways and then he'll snap out of it and swim around and act normal, so I'm a bit confused about that. I hope he's all right. It'll be a shame to lose him now.
And thank you very much for all your help and your private message, star4! Really appreciate it.
I'm concerned (again). These loaches really are a handful! Sorry to keep sharing my fears on here but this morning two of my loaches were swimming vertically at the top of my tank and it didn't look like normal behaviour at all (even for a clown loach). I read that it can be a sign of skinny disease. Are there any symptoms I should keep an eye out for in case they have that? I'm probably being paranoid! 
I put in some flake food just now to see if they can swim around normally and they can. They rushed for the food and seem normal in that regard which is a bit annoying...
Clown loach do not take well to long periods of medication.
The first one that swims on his side then swims normally, is he doing this alot or just occasionally? It is something that they will do normally, lie on their sides but mine are usually still when they do this. He maybe is just itching and swimming on his side relieving the itch. I have never treated clowns for ich, but my dwarf chain loach would swim on their side then there was ich in their tank.
I was trying to find a picture of mine. When mine are hungry they will swim vertical wiggling at the glass, which I am presuming yours were doing as you say they rushed for the food and seemed normal. I am assuming they ate the food :). If they have had a lot of frozen food, there is not as much nutrition in frozen food as dried food.  So I think in this case they are just hungry :), If you get those foods I recommended you, you may see this behavior more often lol
I know its very stressful when you have sick fish, you start thinking every little thing is another problem. It is always best to ask :)
Yeah, they've had a lot of medication the past week (even if I have been following the dosage instructions). Do you think I should leave adding meds for a few days? And then if the ich hasn't cleared up by then I'll do a big water change and add some esha exit?
I think I've lost one loach but it's hard to tell as I never find any bodies in my big tank. Do the loaches eat dead fish? 
Are there new spots forming on the fish ? can you tell? if so then the med is not working so yes leave adding any more and do a large wc and get some esha exit.  Fish are really good at hiding fingers crossed he will pop out at some point, but yes fish will eat other dead fish.
I don't think so, there are still spots on them though, so I'm not sure. As I've been typing this post I've got a surprise! I still have four loaches, two of them have come out of no where and the one I presumed dead is still alive. There's still spots and some flashing against objects and the gravel and one of them is still swimming sideways.
Good news about my loach and my tetras in my 100L though: can't see any spots on them at all. I hope I've managed to clear it from my small tank! If there are still none tomorrow, I'll do a water change and stop medication. 
Great news on the 100L and better news the missing one has been seen :). If it was me I would do a wc on the bigger tank and go for esha exit, for some reason its just not working in the bigger tank. :)
Bit worried about my loaches still. All four are still alive but at this current time one is swimming vertically near the surface, one is lying on the gravel which looks normal as I know they like to rest and relax but two of the others are lying sideways. I know all of this could just be typical behaviour for them as they're known for acting strangely and they all moved around normally earlier to eat but I'm still worried. 
Have you checked your water stats? it would be worth checking just in case something is going on in the water with the medication and you may need to do another water change.
Also did you turn up the temperature? they may need some more air, see if you can move your filter spray bar/outlet to get some more surface agitation see if that helps at all.
Both things you are describing I have seen regularly with my clown loach, so it shouldn't be anything to worry about, but just in case check the water etc.
I don't have any money at the moment to buy anything that can read my water stats, which is a pain I know, but I have a tough enough time getting the medicine.
The temperature is higher in both my tanks and at a constant 80f which I'm going to leave it at as it's compatible with all my fish anyway and the loaches prefer the warmer water (and it helps keep ich away in the first place). But rest assured, my 300L has plenty of oxygen and the surface area is constantly moving.
Good news in my 100L has continued as there are still no sign of spots. I'll do a water change soon and not add any medicine for then onwards, my 300L however is a different story. All four of my loaches were still alive yesterday evening when I last fed them (only time I ever see them all), but I don't know whether to keep applying medicine or not. 
Can you see if the 4 have any spots left on them at all? Do you have a LFS that would test your water? most do it for free, but ask to see the results rather than rely on them saying they are ok. I would be tempted to do a wc if the fish are not behaving normally.
Yes, I'm going to do a big water change either today or tomorrow and I'll be ordering some esha exit later today hopefully. It'll do the trick with any luck. 
Also fed my fish some peas today for the first time as I heard it helps them digest their meaty foods which they're getting now.. I took the skin off first. They seemed to like it. My plecos certainly gobbled them anyway and the clown loaches all had some. I was worried my betta got it stuck in it's mouth as he was swimming around the tank with it, so I put my hand in to check and he dropped it before immediately picking it back up. He wouldn't let it go for the world. Was quite a sight. 
lol cheeky Betta!, my clowns love peas. Fingers crossed the esha sorts out the rest of the ich. Let me know :)
Two of my loaches aren't looking so good. One in particular doesn't have an appetite.
I'm going out later to look for some esha exit. I read something online that said you can't use any water treatment prior to using esha. I did two days ago during a big water change. Will that interfere with the treatment?
Nope you should be fine with it being 2 days ago. Dose as per the instructions on the bottle, it is safe to use with loach. Fingers crossed

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