What are you doing today?

Haven't slept, had more bad news and lots of hassle with phone calls from different professionals and a visit from a nurse to take more bloods from mum. Doing my best to take care of all of mum's needs, but also terrified by how fast she's declining. Spiralled somewhat mentally but pulling myself together now. Have got the laundry going, checked mum's blood sugar levels were fine, and they are thankfully, gather and start todays laundry and rubbish, feed the dog and 'cat that's attempting to move in, but isn't really ours, but we don't want to shut out in the cold weather... )

Really feel as though I'm failing and drowning in things to do, and that I'm a terrible person for not being able to do it all. But I want to! And I have to.
Haven't slept, had more bad news and lots of hassle with phone calls from different professionals and a visit from a nurse to take more bloods from mum. Doing my best to take care of all of mum's needs, but also terrified by how fast she's declining. Spiralled somewhat mentally but pulling myself together now. Have got the laundry going, checked mum's blood sugar levels were fine, and they are thankfully, gather and start todays laundry and rubbish, feed the dog and 'cat that's attempting to move in, but isn't really ours, but we don't want to shut out in the cold weather... )

Really feel as though I'm failing and drowning in things to do, and that I'm a terrible person for not being able to do it all. But I want to! And I have to.
My prayers and any strength I can offer are free given to you. My mother died of Lewy Body Dementia which is like having Altimeters and Parkinson at the same time as it invades both types of neurons. While I was not present through it all as I was in a totally part of the country there was still stress involved. In fact I shut down my computer business in Florida and went back to Ohio to see her as she wanted to see me again before she died. Sigh, that was a bit of a hard visit as she said that she could now die happy as she got to see her son again. My sisters went through much more thn I as they were there from the start.

Best that I can say is three things...
1) Make the best of time as you can with your mom. Give support as best as you can but, most important, make sure that she knows your love. Doing this is VERY important to both you and her. If you don't express your love for her, which seems apparent, you will regret for the rest of your life.

2) Take care of your self before your mom. As cold as that may sound it isn't. If you don't take care of yourself there is no way that you will be in any kind of shape yo help your mom. If you want to help here help yourself deal with things first... Ya, I know,.. Easier said than done but, if you really want to help, you have to do it.

3) Look for outside help. I can't point you to specific organizations but there are many groups that can offer cheap to free in-home care to help with care. This could relieve a lot of care type stress from you allowing you to spend more really meaningful moments with your mom.
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My mother died of Lewy Body Dementia which is like having Altimeters and Parkinson at the same time as it invades both types of neurons. While I was not present through it all as I was in a totally part of the country there was still stress involved. In fact I shut down my computer business in Florida and went back to Ohio to see her as she wanted to see me again before she died. Sigh, that was a bit of a hard visit as she said that she could now die happy as she got to see her son again.
I'm so sorry for your loss as well, that's a terrible illness to go through, and see a family member go through. I'm glad you had that last moment with her as well, that's meaningful. But I know how it comes with a whole mixture of confusing and sometimes contradicting emotions.
My prayers and any strength I can offer are free given to you.

Sincerely, thank you. Both for this compassion and taking the time to help talk me through this! This is really good advice, and I so appreciate that you cared enough to help, thank you.

I feel bad about coming in this thread and bringing the mood down though. Sorry guys, please don't let me stop the normal flow of conversation. I don't keep up to date or post in this thread often, but I do lurk here sometimes and enjoy reading about things like @WhistlingBadger 's bow hunting and what @jaylach is doing, and how your pets are doing!

I gave my Orange-Wing Amazon and mum's Hahns Macaw (who hates me with a passion and always tries to sneak a bite when I interact with him, but is adorable and playful still) some orange slices for the first time the other day. Oscar, my Amazon pinned his eyes, flashed his tail and made happy noises. Max, the Hahns, threw it on the floor of his cage in disgust. Oscar loves eating anything I have, loves fresh fruit and veg supplimented with a good quality parrot seed and nut mix, and doesn't hesitate to try any new food or toys. But Max was apparently reared on seeds and nuts, and isn't good about eating fresh food, although I still try him with some every time.

Which is odd since Oscar was aviary raised and I got him at four months old, and it took me six months of hard work before he'd let me touch him. But he pair bonded with me and is silly tame with me, but won't let anyone else touch him, lol. Mum and dad got Max who was apparently hand reared, but wasn't super tame and became pretty aggressive as he matured. He's sweet, but doesn't love being handled, or eating different foods, while I can do pretty much anything with Oscar. But maybe the people who hand reared Max just fed a seed mix or pellets or something.
2) Take care of your self before your mom. As cold as that may sound it isn't. If you don't take care of yourself there is no way that you will be in any kind of shape yo help your mom. If you want to help here help yourself deal with things first... Ya, I know,.. Easier said than done but, if you really want to help, you have to do it.
This is one thing I'm really struggling with. My depression and fog of grief over losing dad was already severe - I lost all desire to care about myself. But I have to, because mum needs me to be more together and on top of things, so I'm trying to pull myself out of the fog and out of the depression pit. Because I have to. But depression always tells me I'm not doing a good enough job.

I'm terrified by how fast she's gone downhill. Even since the tests in October and diagnosis early Nov. I really want to talk to a doctor or nurse that knows about her case, but of course, it's the weekend. District nurse are coming for a visit on Tuesday, possibly with mum's social worker and diabetic nurse, not sure yet. At the moment she seems okay. Tired, but now they've lowered her insulin she isn't going hypo in the mornings anymore, which is great, but I have to do her blood sugar tests throughout the day, monitor her insulin injections, and prompt and help with personal care now. I'm happy to do the personal care - I worked as a care assistant in nursing homes for years, then five/six years as a support worker for people with profound learning difficulties before my breakdown. So helping people with personal care isn't an issue for me, but it's still a process of her accepting the help, and trying to maintain her independence and dignity as much as possible.
3) Look for outside help. I can't point you to specific organizations but there are many groups that can offer cheap to free in-home care to help with care. This could relieve a lot of care type stress from you allowing you to spend more really meaningful moments with your mom.
Don't worry about that - luckily the NHS and various cancer charities and social supports are kicking in since she's designated palliative care, so lots of different agencies doing assessments and seeing what help they can offer. It's overwhelming at times, but I have a brilliant GP fortunately, and the health team for mum have been excellent.
I'm so sorry for your loss as well, that's a terrible illness to go through, and see a family member go through. I'm glad you had that last moment with her as well, that's meaningful. But I know how it comes with a whole mixture of confusing and sometimes contradicting emotions.

Sincerely, thank you. Both for this compassion and taking the time to help talk me through this! This is really good advice, and I so appreciate that you cared enough to help, thank you.

I feel bad about coming in this thread and bringing the mood down though. Sorry guys, please don't let me stop the normal flow of conversation. I don't keep up to date or post in this thread often, but I do lurk here sometimes and enjoy reading about things like @WhistlingBadger 's bow hunting and what @jaylach is doing, and how your pets are doing!

I gave my Orange-Wing Amazon and mum's Hahns Macaw (who hates me with a passion and always tries to sneak a bite when I interact with him, but is adorable and playful still) some orange slices for the first time the other day. Oscar, my Amazon pinned his eyes, flashed his tail and made happy noises. Max, the Hahns, threw it on the floor of his cage in disgust. Oscar loves eating anything I have, loves fresh fruit and veg supplimented with a good quality parrot seed and nut mix, and doesn't hesitate to try any new food or toys. But Max was apparently reared on seeds and nuts, and isn't good about eating fresh food, although I still try him with some every time.

Which is odd since Oscar was aviary raised and I got him at four months old, and it took me six months of hard work before he'd let me touch him. But he pair bonded with me and is silly tame with me, but won't let anyone else touch him, lol. Mum and dad got Max who was apparently hand reared, but wasn't super tame and became pretty aggressive as he matured. He's sweet, but doesn't love being handled, or eating different foods, while I can do pretty much anything with Oscar. But maybe the people who hand reared Max just fed a seed mix or pellets or something.

This is one thing I'm really struggling with. My depression and fog of grief over losing dad was already severe - I lost all desire to care about myself. But I have to, because mum needs me to be more together and on top of things, so I'm trying to pull myself out of the fog and out of the depression pit. Because I have to. But depression always tells me I'm not doing a good enough job.

I'm terrified by how fast she's gone downhill. Even since the tests in October and diagnosis early Nov. I really want to talk to a doctor or nurse that knows about her case, but of course, it's the weekend. District nurse are coming for a visit on Tuesday, possibly with mum's social worker and diabetic nurse, not sure yet. At the moment she seems okay. Tired, but now they've lowered her insulin she isn't going hypo in the mornings anymore, which is great, but I have to do her blood sugar tests throughout the day, monitor her insulin injections, and prompt and help with personal care now. I'm happy to do the personal care - I worked as a care assistant in nursing homes for years, then five/six years as a support worker for people with profound learning difficulties before my breakdown. So helping people with personal care isn't an issue for me, but it's still a process of her accepting the help, and trying to maintain her independence and dignity as much as possible.

Don't worry about that - luckily the NHS and various cancer charities and social supports are kicking in since she's designated palliative care, so lots of different agencies doing assessments and seeing what help they can offer. It's overwhelming at times, but I have a brilliant GP fortunately, and the health team for mum have been excellent.
Many prayers for you this week. All you can do is what you can do, and you're doing good. Be kind to yourself.
And how was it? I have all the other movies but just haven't had a lot of interest in this one. Shoot, I haven't even watched any of the others in ages. Mayhaps I just burned out on them...
It was pretty good! I think it will take a bit to grow on me as it's really new and it's such a classic movie series, so it's weird but really cool to see an addition to it
I got up early this morning and helped the Badger girls get set up for a day of craft-fair selling. Now I'm drinking tea, cooking oatmeal, and listening to the Chieftains. I just found out yesterday that Paddy Moloney died (even though he departed in 2021). He was an absolutely tremendous musical performer and innovator, largely responsible for bringing Irish traditional music into the modern era and the international spotlight.

He was also a delightful, funny, kind human. I met him once. A bunch of my Irish music friends and I had met together in Denver to see the Chieftains in concert. We found out when their sound check was and snuck in a side door to watch them. Besides the absolute genius of the music, I was struck by two things: First, there's Paddy Moloney, one of my musical heroes, right there, with nothing but delight and joy on his face, like the music was playing him. Second, even though any instrument maker in the world would have killed to have Paddy play one of their instruments (I know a few whistle makers; it's true), he's up there making magic with a beat-up old Generation brass whistle, the kind you can pick up for five or ten bucks at just about any music store. It has little strips of duct tape wrapped around it to resize the finger holes so the thing would play in tune.

After their sound check was done, as the other musicians were packing up, Paddy came up and sat on the front of the stage to say hello to us. He started asking us about ourselves, what tunes we knew, and so on, chatting with us like we were old friends, and ended up inviting us to come up on stage that evening and play along with them on their encore. He then asked the stage manager to give us backstage passes so we could join the after-concert party. So yes, I have played on stage with the Chieftains, through absolutely no merit of my own. He was just being nice. After the concert, Paddy and Matt Malloy (the flute player) bowed out of the party pleading old age, but I got to talk Scottish tunes with Natalie MacMaster, the legendary Cape Breton fiddler, and I got my bodhran autographed by Kevin Conneff, another just lovely person. I still have that bodhran skin and backstage pass hanging in my music studio. It's a night I'll never forget.

(It was also one of my first dates with the lovely lady who was later to become Mrs. Badger, but that's a story for another campfire)

Here's a nice tribute to Paddy that really captures his music, his joy, and the kind of person he was.
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Hoping to get these two coloring books out of here this week
Did my TOEFL iBT test today. Although I was not nervous during the test, I realized that I have some difficulties regarding listening and speaking...

Is good that there is also the option for Duolingo, despite not being as widely accepted across U.S. universities as TOEFL.

Also, a few days ago, I did an extended siphoning on my brine shrimp's main culture. The smell was terrible and, by removing the aragonite substrate, probably I provoked a bacteria bloom, causing the water to become cloudy. This, also, sacrificed the poor adult shrimps... well, the backup culture is doing good and, in just 6 days, the nauplii have already the thoracopods. Today I fed my betta with my dried BSFL I made a few weeks ago. He seems to like it.
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A few days ago, I bought the bundle including Age of Empires III: Gold Edition and Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition from Steam. As an RTS player, I love these series. Also, the AOE III is one of the few games that runs okay on my laptop. I find funny the name "Gozo" on this ship below... (in Portuguese, this word has sexual meaning)

Giving names to ships is a tradition for centuries.
A few days ago, I bought the bundle including Age of Empires III: Gold Edition and Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition from Steam. As an RTS player, I love these series. Also, the AOE III is one of the few games that runs okay on my laptop. I find funny the name "Gozo" on this ship below... (in Portuguese, this word has sexual meaning)

Giving names to ships is a tradition for centuries.
View attachment 331816
I used to play age of empires a long time ago. Fun game.
We got to go to "Rhythm of the Dance," an Irish music and dance show a la Riverdance, put on by the National Dance Company of Ireland. What a great show. The step dancing was amazing, of course. Their whistle player was one of the best I have ever heard. I wish I could have met him for a lesson! 🇮🇪 👍
Today, I taught a 2-hour class on survival and preparedness. We had about 25 people show up and are hoping to have more classes in the future.
I'd be the guy that would teach a class on preparedness, but show up late and forget to bring my materials.

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