What are you doing today?

Mrs Badger got me some silver polish for my euphonium! Before:


It’s so SHINY!
Visited the lfs of a friend of mine and drank some coffee latte macchiato overthere. We haven’t seen eachother for a while. So, I thought it was time to pay him a visit. He showed me his new breeding room behind the store’s fish section.
I really had a nice afternoon overthere. Bought some extra redtail spitfins as well to add to my current population.
got flower power back up - sans lilies. I need a way to keep the koi from digging the lilies out and making the pond all muddy. 18 koi and you can't see one - sun block fabric to protect liner sidewalls from sun and fish from herons. Additionally fencing over the pond and a plastic heron fountain in the middle. It's blue heron nesting season when they pick a pond to clean out


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Aren't they a little fast for observation 🚀
The boat can go slow and just coast. We saw about 25 alligator, white ibis, roseate spoonbill and several herons and wood stork. Unfortunately oscars are an invasive species in this part of the Everglades. We dropped some bait in the water and created a feeding frenzy with 30-40 oscars. You can noodle them and catch them with your hands the population is so dense.
Welp, what a start to 2025. Neighbours setting off fireworks at 2:30 in the morning and an ungodly amount of rain has caused my local train to be cancelled for the rest of today :confused: even most roads have been flooded.
I wonder what the Met Office staff were doing last night. Our weather forecast says 90% chance of rain at the moment and 38 mph wind gusts. We actually have clear blue skies, not a cloud in sight, and the conifer across the road is slightly moving in a gentle breeze.

Makes a nice change after the wind and rain yesterday - now there's a thought! Have they published yesterday's forecast again by accident :lol:
started then new year with a cup of coffee&bagel then cranked up my motherinlaws old singer knock off sewing machine (McCalls) and did a little mending on a brand new jacket that I bought 5 years ago and didn't know one of the pockets weren't sewed till I almost lost the cell phone.
I love old sewing machines


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January first, and we lost all our snow over the past two days. Everything in the open is grey and green again, except in the woods where the trails are all still ice.

It's really still. The people who partied are down for the count, and the people who didn't tend to be sleeping in. It's a day where everything shuts here.

I'm going to do some water changes, then sit down and research some fish I may order tomorrow. It looks unseasonably warm in the short term, so I may take advantage. I blame @Magnum Man , as he reminded me I had some unfinished business with learning about Crenuchus in a current thread. So I checked a Canadian dealer who had them, and fell down a hole into the entire list.

I have kept some of the fish I want before. I research them like I've never seen them anyway, as research and new knowledge never stops. We have another thread on Dr Innes, and he was brilliant in communicating what was known about aquarium fish at the time, 70 years ago. Now, we have a lot of info coming in from people who have observed the fish we like in the wild, as well as the 70 years of experience since then. One of the fish I plan to order is 10 marble hatchets, and since I last kept them,there is a lot more habitat info. It may have been there all along, but I found it yesterday.

I'm sentimental there, as they were fish my mother always had in her tanks (she had 3 - it's a family curse of sorts). I have learned how they can be bred,and it would be fun to do that. Back in the old days, they were considered impossible to breed in captivity. Now, it looks like with planning, it can be done. Fun stuff.

So I'll reread a little because refreshers always help. I think anyone who has been in the hobby more than 5 years has already forgotten a huge amount of potentially useful info. 58 years in, I can look at fish I haven't kept for decades. That's weird. It appears I often kept them badly. You live and learn.

So maybe two Cory group fish, two hatchets, Amazon softwater mollies and Crenuchus tetras.
Welp, what a start to 2025. Neighbours setting off fireworks at 2:30 in the morning and an ungodly amount of rain has caused my local train to be cancelled for the rest of today :confused: even most roads have been flooded.
Well, we started and still are dealing with a storm raging across the country. This is also why several accidents happened with fireworks.

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