What are you doing today?

I didn’t know Louisville is on the ocean!
But you have baseball bats. That's all I know about Louisville Ky.
a deceased friend of mine did some of the work on that big bat they have beside the Louisville Slugger museum. Caldwell tank company made the bat and installed it for the city. the bat wasn't code so they had to make the bat be a vent for the restroom. I was at the dedication ceremony and not once did they mention Caldwell Tank Company. I couldn't believer it! it was kinda neat as we followed the bat down the road.
I did not know there was a Caldwell Tank Company.

The way I hit when someone threw me a curveball made my bat kind of perfect to become a vent for a restroom... That's appropriate.
Just took down the Christmas tree and put away all the decorations. :( Now researching how to use shellac, along with semi-natural wood stains. Soon out to the garage to pound out some sinew to back the juniper bow I've been working on.
Happy late New Year. I've been busy. Hiked the Tandy Hills New years morning. Koi pond is clean, camera is up to keep an eye on my back fence, customer pond is fixed, a kenmore was delivered on the 1st, wasn't the one I planned to deliver, I have to fix reverse or not fix reverse on the one that sold, fortunately my personal machine was identical so I delivered it. Everything works on it. Had grandkid time and daughter time and no time for the internet. 5 holly bushes and a tree to plant before it's too cold tomorrow, and firewood to cut up and move, but we fixed 3 giant ratholes below a customer's waterfall today and that left less gardening time.


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What am I doing you ask?
I'm seeking entries for our January Tank of the Month contest. If you have a 17 to 30 gallon tank, we hope you enter the contest. Your tank does not have to be planted and does not have to be at your final goal..just show others your tank so perhaps they can get ideas for their own tanks. It's not just about trying to win, it's about participating in the contest.
Less than 3 days till entry period ends, so enter soon.
CLICK HERE to visit the entry thread.
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Yesterday I went to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to do more genealogic research, since they have exclusive laptops to explore the archives. Fortunately, I was able to download several items (I was exploring for about two hours). I still have to read in detail and catalog the things. However, I did not find out so much thing about my great-great-grandfather but from his sons.

This time, there were three Americans. According to Brazil's Ministry of Justice, 53,665 Americans are registered as residents in Brazil (less than the town population where I live). Brazil's time as a great destination for international migration was over.
Today I am tending to Apistogramma cacatuoides and Anomalochromis thomasi fry. I’m hoping many will survive. The fry are so small and fragile.

I am also preparing for approximately 8 inches of snow tonight. We live on a small street ending in a cul de sac so it can take several days for us to be plowed. Food shopping was the first order of business today.

In my music class today we started the formal study of Beethoven’s 32 piano sonatas. This will be quite a challenge and will take me at least a month. My heart is really for the Baroque period in music but I am trying to branch out and understand musical composition from the classical and romantic era.
Today I am tending to Apistogramma cacatuoides and Anomalochromis thomasi fry. I’m hoping many will survive. The fry are so small and fragile.

I am also preparing for approximately 8 inches of snow tonight. We live on a small street ending in a cul de sac so it can take several days for us to be plowed. Food shopping was the first order of business today.

In my music class today we started the formal study of Beethoven’s 32 piano sonatas. This will be quite a challenge and will take me at least a month. My heart is really for the Baroque period in music but I am trying to branch out and understand musical composition from the classical and romantic era.
If the County took more than 8 hours to make three passes in an 8 inch snow storms here abouts the locals would be having a lynching. Linda and I would love being snowed in for a week ....
Every once in a while I try to get my puny brain around Beethoven. Or even Mozart. But I wander back to Bach, Telemann and a bunch of earlier composers. As far as 'classical' goes, Beethoven's too modern for me.

This was a day with nothing scheduled, so after the usual house stuff, it was out to the fishroom for some fun. I moved fish today, after partially stripping down and cleaning some tanks yesterday. I switched some lights around, moved some plants, composted a lot of duckweed and Vallisneria, and tidied up.

It's very cold out, though the fishroom's toasty. The water is oxygen saturated out of the tap, so I put back a couple of water changes. It's supposed to warm up to just below freezing early in the week. It'll be 10 days between water changes rather than 7 this week.

I'm trying a new trick with the tetras I want to breed. I used to condition them apart, then put them into a breeding tank with no lights, together. Now, they are in dimly lit tanks apart for a week. Lighting period affects a lot, and maybe the simulation of having followed the floods under the forest canopy with its darkness will get them going. On Friday, I'll combine them, after they've had a week.

All of this done to an accompaniment of loud sixties ska, seventies punk, current Irish bands, old blues, roots reggae and hip hop. Bach and Vivaldi don't hold up in a room of bubbling filters.
Every once in a while I try to get my puny brain around Beethoven. Or even Mozart. But I wander back to Bach, Telemann and a bunch of earlier composers. As far as 'classical' goes, Beethoven's too modern for me.

This was a day with nothing scheduled, so after the usual house stuff, it was out to the fishroom for some fun. I moved fish today, after partially stripping down and cleaning some tanks yesterday. I switched some lights around, moved some plants, composted a lot of duckweed and Vallisneria, and tidied up.

It's very cold out, though the fishroom's toasty. The water is oxygen saturated out of the tap, so I put back a couple of water changes. It's supposed to warm up to just below freezing early in the week. It'll be 10 days between water changes rather than 7 this week.

I'm trying a new trick with the tetras I want to breed. I used to condition them apart, then put them into a breeding tank with no lights, together. Now, they are in dimly lit tanks apart for a week. Lighting period affects a lot, and maybe the simulation of having followed the floods under the forest canopy with its darkness will get them going. On Friday, I'll combine them, after they've had a week.

All of this done to an accompaniment of loud sixties ska, seventies punk, current Irish bands, old blues, roots reggae and hip hop. Bach and Vivaldi don't hold up in a room of bubbling filters.
I agree with you about the addictiveness of Baroque. I studied music in college along with science. In my youth after digesting Bach (if that is possible), Telemann, Handel and Vivaldi, I focused on 17th century Baroque composers long forgotten: Couperon, Lully, Stradella, Biber, Schmelzer, Buxtuhyde and the list goes on. There is some much great stuff there. I love Baroque opera, especially sung by Cecilia Bartoli. Bach is king. Everyone else in the Baroque period were playing checkers while Bach was playing chess. But I must admit on most days I prefer to listen to Telemann and many others over Bach. Bach requires much focus.

Well onto a fish question Gary. Alestopetersius caudalis. Now that I have my breeding tank running, any tips for breeding these beautiful silver bullets?
Fort Worth will get its first real freeze tonight. I though I had some time to get 5 shrubs and a tree in the ground, no such luck, so I put them on the south side of lot privacy fence along with other refugees hiding from the cold. Greenhouse is full so some planters on the east side of house. but I guess the funniest picture is my insulated beehives. Imagine my surprise between moving plants to places without wind, I went in back bedroom to turn my eggs and 3 of chicks due to hatch this evening were looking at me.. So I had to get the brooder in for them. 11 more due to hatch today, then 11 more 10 days from now. North and west sides of the hives are insulated. Texas weather has a split personality


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