What are you doing today?

Lazuli buntings - wow. One of the things that reminds me of the vastness of this one continent alone is the distribution of birds, fish and other wildlife. Western birds can be very different from central and eastern ones, and when we say "bird", we don't all envision the same thing. Whenever I get to travel, I love the fact that everything can be almost familiar, but not. The little differences are really interesting.

I am a crow fan. We get along. I've encountered some very smart ones, and I like smart. They're like people. I've also met crows that had more earwax than brain in there. There's a whole range of degree of intelligence in crows, and crow watching is a bit like people watching for that.
Depends on what you look for. Granted that Cedar Wax Wings are only seen in North East Florida during migration but you couldn't ask for a much prettier bird. The following is a bunch of them enjoying the bird bath in my yard in Jacksonville Beach. Oddly I also see these beasties in Wyoming but, again, just during migration. When I see them here in Wyoming they are not nearly as colorful being mostly grey but still with the black mask.

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So i need to migrate to see birds ? All we have around here are falcons, red tail hawk, bald eagles, blue and green hearing (thought he blue ones are a lot nicer and larger) and an occasional over-size owl the size of a fat catx2.
Water changes and filter cleaning for the 60 gallon African tank and 20 gallon South American tank. I also ordered 6 yellow Tiger endler from Aquatic Arts to add to my current group. I had two jumpers that died.
I emptied 4 5 gallon tanks, and used their rack space for 2 10s. These are used only for breeding, and the 5s are too small for water quality. Fry need a lot of food. I popped 3 cycled filters into one, with one going over to the other tank once it's safely thawed. It's been sitting empty in the unheated part of the garage.

I rescaped a 20 for the possible arrival of some buffalo head Cichlids, and I'll more of the same tomorrow, for some other tanks. That, and shopping for Christmas.
Getting ready to watch the Army/Navy college football game today. Starts in about 20 minutes. GO NAVY!
Me too! Army Navy game. I root for Army but have a soft spot for Navy because of my son. Still favor Army though just keep it to myself.

Had what seemed like hours of tests yesterday and recovering a bit from them today. Did the treadmill thing to check my heart. I apparently have one because the tech said so. Then had conversation with the heart guy and he said all is well. Next went up a floor and had circulation tested with cuffs encasing both legs. Circulation is excellent in left leg and good in right. After that test saw the vascular surgeon. She said circulation was good for age and no procedure was indicated. She indicated the leg issue I am experiencing is most likely due to my back stenosis getting worse, much worse. Next up was torso ultrasounds to check for aneurisms and also restrictions in my carotid arteries. Again, followed with consult and again all is well within norms for an old guy.

So after a day of pushing, prodding, rubbing and talking there was no definitive reason for my leg issue. Monday I will go about making an appointment with my back fella. All I know is my legs are not right and all those test results while comforting did not provide an answer. That was disappointing.

That was a nice discussion on birds. In fact, it drove me to decide to fire up the space heater in the pond house tomorrow so Linda and I can spend a few hours watching birds.
Me too! Army Navy game. I root for Army but have a soft spot for Navy because of my son. Still favor Army though just keep it to myself.
With my being retired (medical) Navy I'll bet ya can't guess who I'm for... ;) They are both very good teams with a combined record of 19-4; best combined record in the history of the game.
What are you selling?
sewing patterns applique kits, hoped to sell a treadle sewing machine, a 66 redeye I've restored, a 66 redeye handcrank may have sold if the guy calls tomorrow, and a kenmore I hoped to sell. I also have a 50 cent basket with polished stones and stone bags, Good thing I had cheap stuff because none of the expensive sold except maybe the handcrank. My friend had a lot of her wall art and it was nice but it went nowhere.


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That US football discussion caught my eye. Do your Marines and Air Force, Coast Guard, etc also have teams?

I'm assuming the CIA has a team but the players are dispersed on all the other teams.

The sunrise across the bay is blood red, with the leafless maples silhouetted against it. It's quite spectacular, with a metallic blue sea under it. And it is freezing cold out there.

Today, I have to prepare a short talk on "Letting your fish give you Christmas Presents - breeding easy egglayers". I've taken all the pictures I need , so I have throw them into a decent powerpoint. I figure I'll do tetras, danios, barbs, rainbows and killies, while touching on Cichlids. It's a new club, and people are breeding guppies, angels, mbuna, and such. There's interest in stretching out.

With shipping costs in Canada, fish are expensive here, so breeding is a way of building up decent shoals of fish ot would cost an arm and a leg to buy.
That US football discussion caught my eye. Do your Marines and Air Force, Coast Guard, etc also have teams?

I'm assuming the CIA has a team but the players are dispersed on all the other teams.

The sunrise across the bay is blood red, with the leafless maples silhouetted against it. It's quite spectacular, with a metallic blue sea under it. And it is freezing cold out there.

Today, I have to prepare a short talk on "Letting your fish give you Christmas Presents - breeding easy egglayers". I've taken all the pictures I need , so I have throw them into a decent powerpoint. I figure I'll do tetras, danios, barbs, rainbows and killies, while touching on Cichlids. It's a new club, and people are breeding guppies, angels, mbuna, and such. There's interest in stretching out.

With shipping costs in Canada, fish are expensive here, so breeding is a way of building up decent shoals of fish ot would cost an arm and a leg to buy.
Yes the Air Force and Coast Guard also have teams. In that these are all domestic teams the CIA is not allowed to operate so long as the team does not play internationally. However, the FBI is another story, as well as (in)Homeland Security.

FYI --- The heyday of Army and Navy teams was 40's and 50's. The Airforce is solid now and Army Navy have both recently had a resurgence. Coat Guard is I think Division 2, The others Div 1.

Going into yesterdays game Army had a chance to make the College Football Playoffs. That is likely gone the way of Napolean.
No church today, the buiding is in a no heat situation. Linda and I brought our two construction torpedo heaters over and put one in the basement and the other where the bathrooms are. That is as close to service as we get today.

After dropping them when to Denny's for a Grand Slam. Now home mourning our dead fish. The rest of the day, after a suitable mourning period will be tasked with Linda baking Christmas cookies and making fudge and me turning some doodads on the lathe to top the trays with. This is an annual project for gifting to friends. The new to me furnace in the shop will be very welcome today as it is currently 9F with a real feel close to 0F.

I will be turning 6 inch North Poles this year then adding gluing a lantern to the top. They will be painted red, and gold, the lantern black with silver "windows". A fun something to do project that recipients pretend to appreciate.
dead fish are no fun. I'm happy to be home, going to reorganize my sewing machine cabinets and try to pick up my other sewing machine cabinets from the furniture refinishing partner who cannot keep up with the volume. I have a nice dry shed and I will oil treadles before they go in., One at a time situation not bad but I bought way too many, she bought some, and it needs handled.

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