We were getting lunch ready and spotted movement in the back garden. In the ceanothus bush about 8 feet/2 metres away from the kitchen window were two flocks of birds, great tits and long tailed tits. They were jumping around inside the bush and several long tailed tits were pushing each other around trying to get into the bird bath - just a large plant pot saucer full of water hidden among the periwinkle under the bush.
Great tits I can understand, we often see them in the garden, but long tailed tits are one of those birds you know are there because you can hear them but rarely catch a glimpse of them. We know they've been around by the high pitched tweeting sound, but to see half a dozen of them so close to the house is unheard of.
Great tits I can understand, we often see them in the garden, but long tailed tits are one of those birds you know are there because you can hear them but rarely catch a glimpse of them. We know they've been around by the high pitched tweeting sound, but to see half a dozen of them so close to the house is unheard of.