What are you doing today?

We have a ground cover of snow, and as the Mainers to the south would say, there's a wicked cold wind. I've just come back to the house after tromping across the snow to and from my artificial tropical paradise out back.

And some poor devil just knocked on the door to try to sell me a phone plan. He looked half dead from the cold, but I couldn't make his day.

I have meeting tonight to structure the fish club and set up elections for the executive. Having 5 in charge should help spread the work out - it's a good crew that should work together well. I can't predict who will want to do what, but the whole club has been pretty good so far. I have had a steady stream of people dropping by the fishroom and trading plants for fish.

It's mainly women into fish here. They bring their boyfriends and husbands to ride shotgun, since they're visiting the fishroom of a guy they don't know well. One of the husbands, who acted very uninterested when we first met, came back for a pair of killies as he'd bought a tank.

My wife is really into the holidays, and I just finished testing 20 strings of lights. I get the impression it isn't going to stop at testing them...
Bracing for storm Darragh tomorrow. We should be OK as we live in the yellow alert area but my husband's brother lives in south Wales, on the border between amber and red alert.
Bracing for storm Darragh tomorrow. We should be OK as we live in the yellow alert area but my husband's brother lives in south Wales, on the border between amber and red alert.
Wales will be the worst affected I heard. Hopefully, It won't be too bad around my area as I have work tomorrow morning 🥲
You are also in yellow alert, so should be OK. We are forecast 60 mph gusts from lunchtime tomorrow to 3 am Sunday and brother-in-law 70 mph. Though further west in Wales the forecast is for over 80 mph, as is Anglesey where a cousin of mine lives.
Back from sabbatical. After our short road trip I decided it was time to have a problem with my legs checked. The health insurance company sent a doctor to our home, a once-a-year benefit, I had never before used. I have had severe evening cramping in my feet and ankles for several months. Mostly in the evening. Less severe cramping in my calves and thighs and a couple of times my leg literally locked up from the hip down. The legs also feel like dead weight after exertion. My regular fella, who I like personally had called it part of aging. I have, based on what follows, lost some confidence in him at this juncture and will likely seek a new primary care place in February.

Anyway, this insurance company doctor who actually flew in from Dallas Texas to New York, attached some gismos to my toes and fingers. A few days later the results of the blood flow came in. My left leg is at 97%, not bad I think for a geezer. My right leg was at 70%, not so good. It was recommended I get further tests from a vascular surgery. Well after a few weeks I received a call and have an appointment. After speaking to the vascular people it is likely I will need a procedure to insert a stent. Not certain but the test on December 13 will tell the tale.

I have spent the time since learning this moping about this turn of events but yesterday decided to come out of the fog and proceed with my life. Will go through whatever procedure is necessary to get my legs back to a more normal working order. I AM TIRED OF THEM FEELING LIKE LEAD WEIGHTS AFTER AN HOUR OR SO OF EXERTION.

Not whining mind you. I am old and things wear out. I am sure what is worn can be patched. So I have adjusted to the news and feel mentally normal again.
Took an hour and a half and went and checked out that natural area . It’s great to find such a place so close to home and right in the middle of town . It’s right across the ditch from the trail I found last week . There was a sign that said trapping with snares only . That’s probably pretty old . I also saw a dead goose frozen into the ice and a big old raven pecking on it . Nothing goes to waste in the wild . The trail is great , it’s really not a trail but a track worn into the ground by haying equipment that some guy uses to get his alfalfa out of there .
@Oldspartan So you're getting your tires changed for the season. Makes sense to me. Stuff wears out and breaks down, but if repairs are possible, get them done. We don't get trade ins.

I hate to admit to things connected to injuries and breakdowns, but damage doesn't care how I feel about it. It develops. If it can be fixed, it's worth a try. I hate taking medications, but the few I do take do good things.

This is the weirdest bow I have ever made. A very crooked piece of rocky mtn maple from up the canyon. It will probably break, and that’s okay. I’ve never worked with this wood so I’m kind of pushing it and seeing what it’s capable of. But ah, if it doesn’t break, it’ll be one cool looking arrow slinger.

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This is the weirdest bow I have ever made. A very crooked piece of rocky mtn maple from up the canyon. It will probably break, and that’s okay. I’ve never worked with this wood so I’m kind of pushing it and seeing what it’s capable of. But ah, if it doesn’t break, it’ll be one cool looking arrow slinger.
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made a crazy bow out of 1.5inch pvc tubing. friend sent me a url of the process and I had some free time so I had at it with my heat gun.
those things shoot harder than you think. look it up on you-tube.
made a crazy bow out of 1.5inch pvc tubing. friend sent me a url of the process and I had some free time so I had at it with my heat gun.
those things shoot harder than you think. look it up on you-tube.
Yeah, I've seen some hard hitting bows made out of PVC. Never got the urge to try such a uniform, predictable material myself. Where's the challenge? :lol:

Seriously, though...making any bow is a challenge. What's the process like?
Here is an example of a PVC bow drawing 55 pounds at 32 inches.

I sure would have liked to know how well you could manipulate pvc tubing with a heat gun way back when. it sure would have helped with plumbing problems causing you to buy a plethora of different fittings. never got into the pvc welding either.
I'm going to have to check out a heat gun video, might make my 45 degree couplings obsolete

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